15. The Start

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When Rian woke up, he was in darkness. Confused and scared, he started thrashing around, he was tied up in a chair. "Jay!", he shouted, "Jay! Help Me!". Suddenly the darkness was pulled off of Rian's head, and the light got to him. "Got you now, traitor", Tyler said, walking around Rian. Rian tried to break free, but it was no use. "Tell me", Tyler said, "What was so good about this world it made you want to run off?". "You won't understand", Rian said, "None of you will!". "Kodak is dead!", Tyler shouted, "It's all your fault!". "Do you have Jay?", Rian asked, looking up at Tyler. "Oh, now your threatened, you want to switch back, huh?", he said, pressing a gun to Rian's chin. Tyler backed off and looked at the wall, "We have Jay and Jordon", he said, "You couldn't hide forever". Rian looked down at the ground, "I honestly couldn't care less if you killed me, so please do, it would be a favor". Tyler chuckled, "No, that would be too easy. I'll let Locke deal with you". He walked ot the door and saw Rian, depressed and waiting for death. He smiled and then slammed the door.

Jordon was scared. He had no idea where he was and wanted to go home. A door opened and Jordon went into panic mode. "Who are you?", he asked, "What is this place?". "You are in an interrogation center we set up, Jordon", the man said, "I'm Corey". "Oh god", he said, "You have Rian and Jay don't you?". Corey nodded, "Yes, we have obtained them". Jordon's heart rate increased, "Please don't hurt them", he pleaded". Corey laughed at that, "One of them is a killer and the other is up for treason". Suddenly there was a huge crash. Corey and everyone was sent jolting forward. Jordon smashed his head on the wall, Corey was sent flying through the glass and into a wall, killing him. Jordon managed to get to his feet and staggered his way to the exit. He made his way outside and couldn't believe his eyes; A whole other place was smashed into his city.

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