21. Unraveling

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Rian was now worried, he had no idea how to reverse all this and end it. "It could all be a hoax", he thought, "Some crazy old man who wanted to kidnap him because why not". The man was attempting to get up but couldn't. Justin found a discarded wheelchair that wasn't badly damaged and helped Jordon lift him into it. "Who are you?", Jay asked, standing in front of Rian to protect him. "My name", the man started, wheezing for breath, "I am Professor Roy Holbert and I have created this". The man who was Roy Holbert had ear length grey hair, an untidy grey beard and no longer had a left leg. "How did you do all this?", Jordon asked, wanting to know more. "I created those cyborg things", Roy explained, still trying to catch his breath, "They were still in the prototype phase. The one that was overdeveloped was sucked into space and it must have spawned a new planet with it". Roy finally caught his breath, "I found who you call Rian, planted him with the key as I knew this was inevitable. Your day has come". Rian didn't want to be a part of this, he never asked for it. "How am I supposed to fix all this?", he asked, concerned for his own well being. "This universe is collapsing on itself", Roy started, "You need to sacrifice yourself to mend all this or we will all die as space can't handle all of this". Rian couldn't believe it, he had just learned to live and now someone wanted him to die.

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