5. Experience

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3 hours earlier

Rian and the other vigilantes touched down on Earth after a long journey. "Alright", Kodack said, "We are gonna split up and look for the target, this is where he was last located". They all saluted and went their separate ways. Rian was excited to experience what life was like and how it felt to feel things. Rian had no intention of trying to find Jordon, he just wanted to see things, feel things, live for once. Rian went to a park, fed some ducks, walked through the flowers and smelt some. He could smell other things than death and metal. "So pretty", Rian said, examining a lady-bug on one of the flowers. He got up and walked by the water, he didn't dare go in it as he would die. Rian stared at the water, he suddenly wondered what it would be like to die. Rian didn't want to go back to his miserable planet, he liked it here. This place had colors instead of grey and black. He made his way from the park and to the city center. Rian observed the people and how they behaved. Some people played on their phones, others ate, and the others traveled in packs. The phones upset Rian as he could feel the signals messing with him and making him feel sick. He moved away and went to a little sandwich shop.

After he ate his sandwich, Rian sat there for a while, thinking back on what he had experienced so far. These mere hours he had spent on this planet were already better then his whole life combined. He had been bullied as a child, the human parts hadn't been as advanced. He had a red, robot eye, metal, stretchy arms and a single human leg. Kids called him the tin man, and Rian had hated himself ever since. So to have enjoyed something in his life was amazing. Rian wondered if the others had found the target, Jay, whatever his last name was. He headed back to the city center and when he did, Rian saw someone suspiciously get up quickly and leave. Curious, Rian followed the man to a coffee shop. The man got up again and escaped to get home, making sure to stay a far distance away. When the man reached his house, Rian followed inside. "He doesn't close the door?", he thought, still following. Rian didn't hear anyone from inside the apartment. Rian opened the door and Jay screamed. "Hey! Hey!", Rian said, his facial recognition going crazy with notifications and alerts. "No!", Jay shouted, putting his arms in front of his face, "Please don't take me!". "I'm not going to take you", Rian said, "I just wondered why you left so fast when I got in that coffee shop". Jay took his arms down from his head and calmed down and looked at Rian; He looked like the most non-threatening person ever. "Okay", Jay said, "But I have to wait for someone to get home". "Wait for who?", Jordon asked, staring wide-eyed at Rian. Jay nervously laughed, "I can explain".

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