11. Sighting

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Kodak was sitting on a park bench, blending in when he got a notification. "Hey guys", he whispered to the others via radio, "I think I got something, meet me over by the coffee shop". Tyler was there in a matter of seconds as he was by the fountain. "What's up?", he asked, sitting beside Kodak. "Wait till the others are here", said Kodak, "We need all the guys here". Jason was next to arrive and then Corey. "What's happening?", Corey asked, excited. "Is it a sighting?", Jason asked. "Guys", Kodak said, "Calm down". The group went quiet. "Yes, Jason, it is a sighting, now you've alerted them, well done!". Jason shrank into himself. Kodak sighed, "Guys", he said, "Can we just think for a minute". The group went silent for a minute. "This could really be our time to get them and prove to Locke were worth being funded", Kodak said. the group was back on the same page. "Tyler, Corey can go together, me and Jason are together, that cool?", Kodak asked. The group all nodded. "Okay!", Kodak said, "We meet back here at 5 if we have not located them, got it?". They all nodded and went their separate ways, looking for Rian and Jay.

An alternative earth

General Alex Locke sat in his office chair, looking over the miserable city. It was raining, which just added to the mood. "Why is this planet so miserable?", Locke asked himself, "Why are we so depressed?". Locke was tall, bald, fit, used to have brown hair, was clean-shaven and had blue eyes. There was a knock on the door. "Come in", Locke said, turning his head back from the door. "Sorry to disturb sir", the man said, coming through the door. "What is it?", Locke asked, turning around. "I don't mean to alarm you, but", the man said, who's name was Cam, "But, we are moving". Locke looked confused, "What do you mean, moving?". "Our planet", Cam explained, "We're moving towards a planet called earth". Locke stood up, "Hw are we moving?", he asked. "I think it's through the men you have down at this planet and the 2 on the run". Locke thought for a moment, he put his hand on the back of his neck. "What can we do without alarming the whole place?", he asked. "Wait until we make contact", Cam said, "Or we can evacuate the whole planet". Locke looked out the window again, "Let them see a different world", he said, "This one if so miserable, I hope they can see some sort of happiness". With that, Cam went off and Locke sat back down. He just hoped his team found the 2 fugitives.

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