25. End

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It had been five months since the incident no government wanted to talk about but all the scientists did. Jordon still had his job at the sandwich shop but had a new girlfriend that actually loved him. Jordon still missed his friends and hoped they were all doing okay. He had kept Rian's tracking chip and radar. He smiled as he thought of the memories they had shortly lived together. He now knew they weren't alone in the big universe. 

Jay was let go and actually did something with his life. Jordon was living with Tyler as he had quit the vigilante group. He now worked as a talker on what was on the other side of the portal. He missed Rian, who was completely forgot about by the government and Jordon. It was as it was. He hoped that the universe would become more stable as time went on, but he knew he would outlive Jordon. Jay could only laugh at the memories he had. 

This was the end, with the universe back in order, everything seemed fine. Jay and Jordon wouldn't forget about each other, until the end of the universe.

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