23. If It's What You Want

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Rian finally untucked himself and felt brave again to exit out of the car. "I guess I don't have a choice", Rian said, sighing, "Why let others die because I want to live". "Are you sure?", Jay asked, "We aren't forcing you". Rian shook his head, a single tear rolled down his cheek; This showed he was growing to be human and feeling. "This is the right decision", Rian said, "If I just let everyone die I would be nothing but an emotionless robot". Justin stood back, he didn't know what really to do. "We better go back and find the others", Jay said, "Are you a hundred percent sure?". Rian nodded, "I hope I inspire others", Rian said. Justin led the way back to Jordon and Roy.

Jordon was anxiously waiting, hoping his friends were okay. He saw three shadowy figures in the distance and heard Jay's familiar cocky, deep voice. "They're back", Jordon said, shaking Roy on his shoulders. "I assume this is them coming back with a decision", Roy said, hoping the decision was a sacrifice. Jordon embraced the three of them, happy to see Rian again. "I will sacrifice myself", Rian said, looking at Roy, "Let's do it". Roy was happy to hear that, Jordon was devastated. "Rian", Jordon said, nearly on the verge of tears, "Is this what you want?". Rian nodded, "Why let everyone else die and I'd just live, I'd rather you live on without me. Live on with me in your memory". Jay leaned against Jordon, Justin on the other side of Jordon. "I'll miss you guys", Rian said, "I'm doing this for you. This is the best human thing to do". Tears formed in Jordon's eyes, this would be the last time he would see his friend. Tyler looked on but kept his guard on any enemies. "Let us begin", Roy said, "We need to go to the meeting point f these two planets". Rian and Roy started their journey to the end. It was a tough goodbye. But it's what Rian wanted.

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