16. Give Up

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General Locke was slumped against his desk. His head was pounding and his vision as blurry. He looked out the window which was directly in front of him and saw buildings he didn't recognize. "Cam", Locke called out, "Cam, are you okay?". Locke managed to get himself up and looked around. He gasped as his eyes met a dead Cam, impaled on a metal pole. Locke went over to a broken window and saw a green-covered ground. It wasn't a far jump and he jumped down. His fingertips met the ground and he was slightly alarmed by the feeling. "This is so strange", he whispered to himself. Locke looked up and saw a shadow staring at him. "Stay where you are!", Locke shouted, marching over to the shadow. The shadow didn't listen, taking off as soon as Locke shouted. But Locke had done lots of fieldwork, chasing down criminals and killers, so this was just like any workday. In seconds Locke had caught up with the shadow, who he could now make out as human. Locke tackled the man and turned him around so he could face him. "You've caused me so much hassle", Locke said, looking into the man's eyes. "You've got the wrong guy", the man said. "You're coming with me", Locke frunted, dragging the man up. Locke had Jordon, thinking it was Jay.

Jay had no idea what was happening, he tried to break out of the metal cuffs, but he just couldn't. He wanted to get out and see if Jordon and Rian were okay. He tried again but failed. He was just getting frustrated at himself now. "Come on!", Jay shouted, trying yet again and failing. There was banging on the thick metal door. Jay stayed quiet, but it was too late. Two men dressed like S.W.A.T. team members came bursting in. Jay now knew what happened; He had caused a rift between his planet and earth because there wasn't supposed to be two of the same person on one planet. Those who had come to get him were Locke's enforcers. "Where's Rian!", Jay shouted, "Where's Jordon!". They took no notice of Jay's questions. "It's over", one of them said, Jay went limp, it was all over. He just gave up.

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