20. Unexpected

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When Jordan came to, Justin was standing over him, looking very confused. "I am very sorry", Justin said, giving Jordon a hand up and pulling a chair up for him. Jordon put two and two together and got four; This was yet another version of himself. His face looked the same, apart from a few missing teeth and shoulder-length brown hair. "So", Jordon asked, getting his head around the situation, "What version of me are you?". "I could ask you the same thing", Justin said, smiling and showing his missing front teeth. Justin took a breath and looked up at the ceiling before answering, "I am the version of you if you had gotten with that Kally girl in high school". Jordon was getting to terms with every single decision he had made and understood there was a version of him for every single one, major or minor. "Okay", Jordon said, "I am the version of you if I went out with Jessie". Justin nodded, he looked out the window and saw people. To Jordon's surprise, it was Jay, Rian and the guy that had taken him. 

After introductions and calming themselves down, Jay and Rian were ready to apologize. "I'm sorry for acting like a dick back at your house", Jay said, "I shouldn't of". "Yeah", Rian said, following Jay's line, "We really shouldn't of annoyed your neighbors". Jordon smiled, he brought his two friends in and hugged them. "That's okay", Jordan said, smiling. Jay broke away from the hug, wanting to know more about Justin. The two of them sat down to get to know one another while Tyler and Rian looked out the window. Suddenly, a body caught Rian's eye. He went outside where fire and ruin were everywhere to investigate. He reached the body, lying on broken glass and had a cut on its hand. Rian thought the person was dead, walking away in disappointment he couldn't help this person. The body moved, grabbing onto Rian's jacket. He screamed as a cold, human hand grabbed onto him. "Wait", the person said as Rian was desperately trying to get rid of the hand. Jordon, Jay, Tyler, and Justin all came out to help as they heard their friends scream. "Let me explain!", the person pleaded, their eyes widening as the gang approached. The person let go of Rian, which sent him running into Tyler's arms. "Who is this guy?", Jay asked, looking over the body. "I have these words for your ears", the body said. Everyone was quiet so they could hear what the stranger had to say. "I came for you", the person said, pointing at Rian. "Why do you need Rian?", Justin asked, barely knowing the guy but still caring. "I came for him", the body started said, "Because he can reverse all this". The person took another breath, "I created all this and now I have seen what it has done. Now I have to end this".

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