18. Another

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When Jay woke up he had a headache and still had no answers to where his friends were. "Hey!", he shouted, his voice ringing off the metal in the room, "Hey!". There was no answer. "Let me out of here!", he shouted again. Jay looked down and saw his smeared reflection on the grimy, metal floor. "I give up, okay", he said, lowering his voice, "Is that what you wanted to hear? You have reduced to me nothing and I can't fight anymore". Jay ran his hand through his hair in frustration. There was a creak from the other side o the door. Jay's fight or flight kicked in and his instinct was to fight. He raised his fists and got into the fighting stance. The door slowly opened and Rian came through first. Jay recognized the face and lowered his face. Jay walked over Rian, who he thought was dead, and embraced him. "I really thought you were gone", Jay whispered. Tyler came in and Jay was ready to kill. He flung Rian out of the way and grabbed Tyler by the throat and pinned him against the white brick wall. "What have you done to Jordon?!", Jay demanded. "I'll take you to him", Tyler squeezed out, "Just let me go, okay". Jay let the man go, turning his back and facing Rian. "What's happening?", he asked. "The universe is collapsing on itself because we are in the wrong world", Rian explained, "We need to get back". Now Tyler had caught his breath and stood back upright, "Are we all ready to go?", he asked. Before Rian or Jay could answer, a force catapulted them forward into the wall. It threw them around like ragdolls. Another alternative world had crashed into them.

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