8. Try

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When Jordon woke up, it was the next morning. He could hear Jay and Rian talking downstairs. Jordon was just glad Rian had survived their surgery. He got dressed and headed downstairs to see what Jay and Rian were up to. They weren't up to any mischief, instead just talking. Jordon didn't know what he expected, but he got the opposite. "How you feeling, Rian?", Jordon asked, sliding himself into the conversation. "I'm good thanks", Rian said, "No alerts, no nothing. I'm at peace". Jordon and Jay found themselves smiling at their new friend's happiness. "So", Rian said, "Do you have any plans today?". "I have to work", Jordon said miserably, "But you guys can do whatever as long as you don't get arrested or captured by those vigilantes". "I'm guessing you can't go out", Jay said, "So we can stay in, watch a movie and stuff". Rian smiled, "That sounds good, yeah". Jordon smiled, "Great, so you two are gonna stay in?". The two nodded and went to the living room. There was a knock on the door. Confused as he wasn't expecting anyone, Jordon cautiously approached his door. Scared, Rian and Jordon rushed to the bathroom and hid in there. Jordon looked through the peephole and saw it was his landlord. "Shit", Jordon whispered, opening the door. "Hey Gus", Jordon said, trying not to sound suspicious. "Hey", Gus said, "Neighbors have been complaining of hearing voices in your apartment, are you having friends over or-?". Jordon cursed himself, he forgot about his whiney neighbors who will do anything to kick him out. "Yeah, I only have 2 friends over", Jordon said, "That isn't a problem, is it?". Gus thought for a minute, he was between a rock and a hard place; Jordon was a good rent payer, caused little to no problems and had always abided by the rules, but the other tenants were a picky bunch, hating noise and young people. "Okay", Gus said, "Your friends can stay, just keep the noise down, please. Mrs. Krabbage is in a bad mood today". Jordon nodded and said his byes to his fat, balding landlord. Jordon sighed a breath of relief, shouted it was okay for Rian and Jay to come out and went to work. They just had to try to be quiet. But Jay didn't do quiet.

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