12. Staying

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Trigger warning in action, self-harm, and suicide mentioned

Jay and Rian found a little shelter they could stay in for the night. "Damn", Jay said, "Do you think Jordon will lighten up?". "I don't know", Rian answered, "We did kind of break his one rule". "Okay", Jay sighed, lying down on his back, "I just hope he comes looking for us". "Maybe this is a lesson", Rian said, "You know we don't have any consequences". "Would you shut up?!", Jay shouted. Rian was scared, he felt another human feeling. "Would you stop going on about your right and wrong. I live on that planet too and I know what we have and don't have". There was silence. Jay looked up at the sky, "Whatever happens, I'm staying here. They'll have to kill me to take me away from this planet". Rian sat down on the cardboard, Jay followed. "Can I ask a question?", Rian asked. Jay nodded, "Sure". Rian took a breath, "Why are you on the run?". Jay turned to Rian, "Weren't you told why?". Rian shook his head, "No, we were just told get this guy, he's wanted". "Okay then", Jay said, "I killed somebody". Jay took a deep breath and then exhaled, "I killed somebody because I was bored". Rian couldn't believe what he was hearing, "You killed somebody because you were bored?!", he said in disbelief. Jay nodded, "Yeah, and I regret it and hate myself for it every day". Jay lifted up his sleeve, "I am like you", he said, pointing to his arm, "I pull my veins out every day and hope one day I'll die so I don't have to live on our planet anymore". After Jay said that, there was silence, they both went to sleep after and hoped no one came for them.

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