Hot and Bothered

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It had now been four years since Jungkook had been living with Jin. Jungkook was now fourteen and Jin was now twenty six.

"Hyung" Jungkook shook Jin awake. "Hyung" he called again, shaking Jin harder, when Jin didn't wake up the first time.

"Hmm?" Jin groggily hummed out, half awake.

"I had a nightmare." Jungkook said and Jin immediately shifted over from the middle of the sofa-bed to the left side of it before opening his arms wide so Jungkook could come into his embrace.

The truth was, Jungkook didn't really have a nightmare. He lied. In the past, he used to have them but he stopped having them when he was around twelve years old.

When he first started living with Jin, he used to have nightmares about Jin abandoning him just like his mother had, and Jin would always cuddle him back to sleep, but after about two years of living with Jin, those nightmares stopped. Still, occasionally, Jungkook would come to Jin and lie about having a nightmare just so he could cuddle with the older. He loved the warmth the older's body provided.

*The following morning*

"What do you think, Jungkook?" Jin asked as he turned around once so Jungkook could look at him from all sides. He had a job interview for a chef's position in thirty minutes and he wanted Jungkook's opinion on his appearance. He was currently wearing his best suit.

Jungkook who had been sitting on the couch, felt his breath hitch as he took in the unholy sight that was the older. He didn't realize how hot the older could possibly look in a suit.

As Jungkook grew up these past few years, some things had become blaringly obvious to the point that he couldn't not notice anymore. Like how attractive the older was, or how intoxicating the older's scent was or how he liked seeing the older walk around the house shirtless or how he liked the sight of the older's plump limps or the sound of the older's voice, e.t.c.

It was an endless list.

Jungkook blamed his new found realizations on his changing body. He was going through puberty after all. He figured that with time, whatever it was that he was beginning to feel for the older, would fade away.

"You look good hyung. Like, really good" Jungkook replied and Jin smiled before walking closer to Jungkook and ruffling his hair. "Thanks Kookie."

With that, Jin walked towards the door and grabbed his keys off the small table next to it before saying, "wish me luck"

"Good luck Jinnie hyung" Jungkook said and Jin opened the door as he replied, "thanks Kookie. Oh and just because it's a Saturday doesn't mean you can laze around all day, clean up the place."

"Yeah yeah." Jungkook replied

"I'm serious" Jin said before walking out the door. "Bye Kookie" he added as he shut the door behind him.

"Bye hyung" Jungkook yelled, loud enough that Jin heard him even though he had shut the door.


Jin came running through the door yelling "Kookie, I got the job! I got the job!"

Jungkook, who hadn't moved a single inch from the couch where Jin had left him about three hours ago, got up and ran to give Jin a hug. "Congratulations hyung, I'm so proud of you." He said as he wrapped his hands around Jin in a tight hug.

"Thanks Kookie. You have no idea how excited I am." Jin said as he hugged the younger back.

"You know what you should do? You should treat us to a meal to celebrate. Let's go out." Jungkook said, yanking on Jin's arm in an attempt to pull Jin towards the door.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jin yelled when he took in the state the apartment was in. It was the same exact way he had left it this morning. "Did I or did I not tell you to clean up the house?!" Jin yelled and Jungkook froze.

"Give me your phone." Jin commanded and Jungkook clutched his pocket as if to protect the phone inside it from Jin.

"One..." Jin began to count but Jungkook didn't let go of his pocket

"Two..." Jin said as his expression became more stern and serious

"Two and a half..." Jin said, taking a step closer to Jungkook making Jungkook quiver in fear. He instantly took his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to Jin.

In the four years that Jungkook had known Jin, he had never let Jin get to three. He had always done as Jin asked before he could count to three because whenever the older got like this, he was scarier than anything Jungkook had ever seen and Jungkook had watched The Shinning.

"You're not going to get this back for the rest of the weekend for not doing what I asked of you earlier. Now clean up this place before I add to your punishment." Jin said.

Jungkook had to admit, although he hated getting disciplined by Jin, there was just something about disciplinarian Jin that got the younger all hot and bothered.

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