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Namjoon and Jin had talked to their parents about Jungkook. At first, they were worried that Jin wouldn't be able to shoulder the responsibilities that came along with taking care of a child, but in the six months that Jungkook had been around, Jin proved that there was no need for them to worry, he had everything under control.

In those six months, Jungkook had grown to hate one particular customer with a burning passion. Jung Hoseok.

Hoseok moved to the city two months before Jungkook started living with Jin and his apartment was just two blocks away from Jin's convenience store. The reason he moved to the city was because he had been offered a job there.

Hoseok would stop by everyday to chat, or in a more accurate term, flirt with Jin.

Jin, of course, was oblivious to Hoseok's advances and just thought that Hoseok was a friendly person.

Hoseok would spend about an hour at Jin's convenience store every day only to buy a pack of gum, that's how whipped he was for the older.

When Jungkook came along, it didn't take him long to figure out that Hoseok liked his hyung. At first, Jungkook kept his mouth shut but that got harder to do as the days went by.

It had now been six months that Jungkook had watched Hoseok flirt with his hyung and Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.

Jungkook had come back from school earlier and was doing his homework behind the checkout counter after taking a lollipop from the candy section in the store.

Jin was at the back of the store, restocking the refrigerator with soda and water.

Hoseok walked in and looked around for Jin. He spotted him at the back restocking the refrigerator so he went over to the checkout counter where the various flavors of gum were placed and he wondered which one to buy as he waited for Jin to finish what he was doing.

"How do you know my appa?" Jungkook asked, as Hoseok looked over all the different flavors of gum.

"Appa?" Hoseok asked, wide-eyed. The shock was evident on his face.

He had never asked who Jungkook was to Jin because he didn't want to pry but he made sure to check Jin's hands to see if his ring finger held a wedding ring, it didn't so that meant that Jin wasn't married which was why Hoseok kept coming around after Jungkook showed up six months ago.

"Yes, appa. You didn't know?" Jungkook asked, innocently.

"I didn't know your he was your appa. I thought he wasn't married and he had told me he wasn't dating anyone." Hoseok said. He had managed to get Jin to reveal his relationship status during one of their previous conversations.

"That's because he isn't. He's engaged" Jungkook continued to lie but maintained his innocent façade.

Hoseok coughed, he had no idea how to react to this newly revealed information.

"Engaged?" He asked, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Yes. Appa and Eomma are going to get married soon" Jungkook said as he flashed his bunny smile before going back to doing his homework.

Hoseok couldn't believe that he had spent the past eight months flirting with an engaged man. He left the store without even waiting for Jin to finish stocking up the shelves.

Hoseok never stopped by the store again after that day.

When Jin was done, he walked over to behind the checkout counter before looking around for Hoseok. Typically, if he was busy with something, Hoseok would always wait for him to be done so they could chat.

"Kookie, where's Hoseok?" Jin asked when he saw no sign of said man.

"I don't know, he left saying something about being sick of gum." Jungkook shrugged as he continued doing his homework although he chuckled maniacally on the inside, as he reveled in the fact that he had gotten rid of a very pesky problem.

After Jin locked up the store for the night and headed home with Kookie, the two sat on the couch watching tv after eating dinner.

Actually, Jin sat on the couch, Jungkook sat on Jin's lap.

"Hyung" Jungkook said when an ad came up on the screen. Jin hummed in response as he rested his jaw on Jungkook's head.

"You know you can't date anyone, right?" Jungkook said as he shifted his position a little so he could face Jin, causing Jin to remove his jaw from the younger's head.

Jungkook was now sitting sideways on Jin's lap and his head was turned to face Jin.

Confused, Jin asked "why not, Kookie?" He didn't understand why him dating anyone would be a problem to Kookie.

"Because I wouldn't be your priority anymore." Jungkook said causing Jin to chuckle a little.

"You will always be my priority, Kookie" Jin said as he ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"No, I won't, which is why you can't date anyone. You have to wait for me to grow up. When I do, you can date me then we can get married after. That way, I will always be your priority." Jungkook said and Jin started laughing.

"Jinnie hyung, I'm serious" Jungkook pouted as he lightly smacked Jin's chest because Jin was laughing during such an important conversation.

"You have to promise to marry me when I'm older, okay hyung?" Jungkook asked but Jin just kept on laughing. He found the whole conversation to be hysterical.

"Hyung~" Jungkook whined, "promise me. Pinky promise." He said as he held out his pinky to Jin.

He almost started crying because Jin wasn't taking him seriously.

Noticing the sad expression on the younger's face, Jin willed himself to stop laughing and linked his pinky with Jungkook's.

"Yay!" Jungkook exclaimed, "you promised, hyung, so now you have to marry me in the future." Jungkook said happily as he turned back to face the tv since the ads had ended.

They were currently watching Spongebob.

As the yellow sponge frolicked around on the screen chanting "I'm ready, I'm ready," Jungkook kept replaying two words over and over again in his head, smiling at how perfect they sounded together.

Kim Jungkook.

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