Family Reunion

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"Jungkook, stop acting like a child and get out of the goddamn cart." Jin whisper-yelled as he pushed the shopping cart down the aisle and received weird looks from other shoppers.

"But why? Don't tell me you're ashamed of me" Jungkook asked, looking up at Jin from where he sat in the cart.

"I am, now please get out off the cart and act like the adult you are. People are staring at you." Jin responded as he avoided the gaze of other shoppers. Jungkook was embarrassing him.

"Adult? I'm only twenty-two" Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest, pouting. On the inside, he was cackling maniacally. He enjoyed getting Jin worked up, it was honestly one of the best parts of his day.

"Twenty-two is considered adulthood! Stop being a brat and start acting like a grown man and please get. Out. Off. The. Fucking. Cart!" Jin said the last few words one at a time, hoping that would help to really get his point across.

Jungkook laughed out loudly before getting up and out of the cart. "Goddamn, I've driven you to curse!" He exclaimed once he was out of the cart and walking right beside Jin.

"Why do I even put up with you?" Jin asked, more to himself than to Jungkook. It seemed that the younger was more stress than he was worth but Jin could never see himself letting Jungkook go.

"Because you love me" Jungkook sang, drawing out the word "love."

"I really regret telling you that yesterday" the older stated as he came to a stop when he arrived at the flour section.

Jungkook slapped his ass when Jin bent over to pick up the flour causing him to yelp from surprise, which in turn, turned a few eyes their way.

"I swear one of these days I'm going to kill you." Jin rolled his eyes before placing the flour in the cart and continued pushing it, leaving a smiling Jungkook behind.

Jungkook jogged to catch up before placing his hand on either side of the cart, trapping Jin between his body and the cart causing Jin to stop in his tracks.

Jin turned around to face Jungkook.

"It would be an honor to die by your hands" Jungkook stated, a smile still on his face.

"Keep pushing your luck and you'd know exactly what that honor feels like" Jin said back, pushing his hand against Jungkook's chest to set himself free but Jungkook didn't budge.

Instead, he leaned in and kissed Jin tenderly on the lips. Against his better judgement, Jin instantly melted into the kiss. It was a simple and chaste kiss but Jin could feel the love radiating off of Jungkook. That little kiss alone made Jin feel like he was the center of Jungkook's universe, like he was the one who mattered the most to the younger.

Without realizing it, Jin was about to get really into the kiss and try to get tongue involved but before he could do that, in the very public place that they were, Jungkook pulled away.

"Was that enough of me pushing my luck or should I have sex with you in the bathroom?" Jungkook asked, a suggestive smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm not having sex in the bathroom of a grocery store, Jungkook." Jin replied before wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist, "but our car is right outside in the parking lot..." he suggested, mirroring Jungkook's smirk causing the latter's mouth to drop wide open.

"You freak!" Jungkook exclaimed in utter shock, he wasn't expecting that from his Jin of all people.

"I didn't think you were like that, baby. I thought you were more...reserved." Jungkook stated after a while, for lack of a better word.

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