You Do You, Boo

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Jin's POV

"If only my love for Jeon Jungkook didn't exist, I would so jump on that fine piece of meat." I state dreamily as I gaze into the distance. After a minute or two of no response, I turn to Jimin who's sitting next to me on the couch.

Jimin stopped by to spend the afternoon with me since Yoongi was at the studio and I welcomed the company because my current obsession AKA Jeon Jungkook was at the gym. Imagine him shirtless, lifting weights as sweat trickled down his gorgeous body. I lick my lips at the tantalizing thought. What I wouldn't give to lick his ripped body like a cat. I would start from his neck and work my way down to his pretty pink nipples before following his happy trail right down to what I'm sure is a huge package, if what the last girl he had over at my house said holds any truth.

Where was I? Gosh, I should stop getting distracted by my thoughts. Right, Jimin. I turn my attention back to Jimin who's looking at me incredulously.

""Fine piece of meat?" Hyung, what happened to you? It's like your personality did a full 180 in just four years." Jimin states in disbelief at me.

"Four years is a long time, buddy. Plus, what better time to release my previously repressed inner horny animal than now since I'm 34 and still single?" I ask as a little pang of bitterness erupts in my chest.

"Just tell Jungkook you still love him, already. That'll solve that problem." He states as if it's that easy. I roll my eyes at him.

"It's not supposed to work that way" I begin, only for him to roll his eyes at me.

"Oh right, you're waiting for him to come to you and all that." He says as if my desire for Jungkook to come to me by himself is stupid.

"I need him to," I say seriously. "How else am I supposed to be sure that he loves me? You've seen how he's been these past four years, Jimin, that guy has gone full hetero and everything" I say with a sigh as I lean back all the way into the couch and close my eyes. Just thinking about Jungkook being straight drains the life out of my soul.

"Maybe he's just experimenting, hyung. Or maybe," Jimin suggests with a new found pep in his attitude, "maybe he's Jinsexual!"

"What?" I ask, turning my head slightly to look at him.

"Like, he could be straight but will only be gay for you. Or... or, he could be heterofluid, there's also that one." I appreciate that he's thinking of other possibilities but that doesn't change the fact that Jungkook still hasn't confessed his undying love for me, if such a thing for me does exist in his heart.

I just sigh in response and Jimin thankfully takes that as me not wanting anymore to do with this conversation topic so he returns to our previous one.

"So, this "fine piece of meat" as you put it, are you going to say yes?" He asks and suddenly, I perk up again. This particular full course meal that we speak of, is none other than Kim Taehyung. Remember him? My assistant sous-chef that had a thing for me and even kept a picture of me in his wallet. The guy that got my sexy ass Jungkook all possessive over me. Ring a bell? Anyhoo, apparently he still has the hots for me because he asked me out yesterday. I told him I'd think about it.

Hey now, do go judging me. I'm not getting any younger here and Taehyung is honestly a good guy. I think there's actually a chance of me really liking him and maybe even falling in love with him in the future.

"I don't know," I sigh exasperatedly. "On the one hand, I still have Jungkook running around naked in my mind and I'm still holding on to the hope that he has some sort of romantic feelings for me, but on the other hand, no signs point toward my hope being a reality and Taehyung is a good guy and I feel like he can make me happy. I've worked with him for eight years now and he's a really amazing person." I explain my dilemma to Jimin who seems to be deep in thought.

"Does Jungkook know?" Jimin asks and I shake my head.

"Why?" I ask back

"If Jungkook is any bit as jealous or possessive as he was when he was younger and if he has even the smallest amount of feelings for you, the moment you tell him that Taehyung, of all people, asked you out, Jungkook would probably have you up against a wall and his tongue so far down your throat that you'd choke." Jimin explains and I sigh.

"Ah, the typical "get him to reveal his feelings with jealousy" move, what is this, a K-drama? A Wattpad story? A poor excuse for a romance movie?" I ask and he simply shrugs.

"It could work" he tells me

"Or it could not" I say back

"Only one way to find out" he states, just as the door jiggles and Jungkook comes walking in in all his post-workout glory, making me swallow a moan as I try so hard not to drool.

"So, are you going to say yes?" Jimin asked animatedly when Jungkook gets within earshot of us.

I cock my brow in confusion at him since he's already asked me this question.

Does he have amnesia?

Then he winks at me, a little too obviously and then it hit me. He wants me to play along.

"I'm not sure yet" I respond

"Not sure about what?" Jungkook asks as he puts down his bag that probably contains his sweaty workout clothes.

"Oh Kim Taehyung, remember him? You know, the guy who looks like a Greek god? Yeah, he asked our Jin hyung here out on a date!" You could practically feel the forced excitement oozing out of Jimin. Remind him to never ever act, ever.

Jungkook looks at me with an unreadable expression on his face. Suddenly, the tension in the room skyrockets and leaves me gnawing on my bottom lip as the tense silence eats at my soul.

After what seems like forever, Jungkook finally speaks.

"Do whatever you want, hyung" and then he picks up his bag and walks to his room.

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