All Good Things Part II

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It was like that common saying, "All good things must come to an end." That was what Jungkook was reminded of, when Jin broke up with him.

"Hyung, please! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I didn't even realize what I was doing until it was too late. I was jealous and insecure and I made a mistake. I'm sorry, hyung. Please don't break up with me!" Jungkook pleaded with Jin but it was to no avail,

It had been two days since the incident at the restaurant, two days since Jin broke up with Jungkook, two days since the younger has been begging to be forgiven and taken back.

After Jungkook kissed Jin at the restaurant, Jin went through so much hell trying to explain to his boss that he's not a pedophile. He decided to lie and tell her that Jungkook had a one-sided crush on him and sometimes acted out if he felt threatened, and he had Taehyung verify this since Taehyung had seen first hand, Jungkook's possessiveness over Jin. It was either that lie or have his boss call the authorities on him for having a less than appropriate relationship with a minor.

Jin didn't talk to Jungkook, he hadn't since the anniversary party. So when Jungkook started asking for forgiveness again, Jin simply walked into his room and shut the door, leaving the younger all by himself, crying in the living room.

Jungkook refused to have things end like this. He did the only thing he knew he could do. He was sure that if this didn't work, nothing else would.

"Yoongi hyung! Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook called as he knocked repeatedly on Jimin and Yoongi's front door.

"Fuck. Jungkook, it's seven it the morning. You better have a fucking good reaso-" Yoongi stopped his scolding when he saw Jungkook's face covered in tears. "Jungkookie, what's wrong?" Yoongi asked as he pulled Jungkook into the house and gave him a comforting hug.

"J-Jin hyung broke u-up with m-me and doesn't w-want to take m-me b-b-back!" Jungkook wailed into Yoongi's neck since his face was buried in the crook of the older's neck.

Yoongi knew that Jin was upset at Jungkook because after that incident, Jin had ranted to Yoongi about what had happened, especially because Yoongi was the one who tried talking Jin into dating Jungkook in the first place. But what Yoongi didn't know was that Jin had broken up with the younger, Jin never told him that part.

"Hyung, y-you have t-to help me, p-please" Jungkook begged. He didn't want this to be the end for him and Jin. They hadn't even been dating for that long.

Obviously Yoongi obliged to Jungkook's request. He called Jin and made the older come over to his place while Jungkook hid in one of the rooms downstairs. Jungkook didn't want Jin to see him because he was scared that if Jin did, then he wouldn't speak with Yoongi anymore but Jungkook wanted to listen in on their conversation so he hid.

"Where's Jungkook?" Was the first thing Jin asked when he walked into Yoongi's house and saw no sign of the aforementioned person. Jin knew Jungkook was the one who told Yoongi about the breakup because he, himself, didn't and no one else knew about it, which meant that Jungkook had to be with Yoongi.

"I told him to take a walk so we could talk" Yoongi lied.

"You're not changing my mind, Yoongles." Jin then said afterwards. He knew what Yoongi wanted to talk about. He knew that Yoongi wanted to convince him to take Jungkook back.

"Hyung, he made one mistake. He's just a kid-" Yoongi tried to reason with Jin but Jin already had a rebuttal ready.

"Exactly! A kid. Which is why I shouldn't have agreed to dating him in the first place" Jin said. "Yoongi, he's immature and possessive. Those two traits don't go together. He doesn't think about the consequences of his actions before he acts. He could have cost me my job or worse. He's a kid, Yoongi-chi, and I don't want a boyfriend that I have to babysit." Jin's tone was harsh and Yoongi knew that Jungkook was listening in on the conversation.

"Hyung, don't be mean." Yoongi said. He didn't want Jungkook to cry anymore than he already had.

"I'm not being mean, I'm being honest." Jin explained. "I didn't say much all the times he kissed me when I dropped him off at school, I didn't do much when he acted the way he did when Taehyung came over, but for fucks sake Yoongi, that was my boss and her husband, he did that in front of!"  Jin was about to continue with his rant but Yoongi stopped him, he didn't want Jungkook to hear anymore because he knew Jin's words were only going to get harsher.

"Have you eaten?" Yoongi asked suddenly.

"What?" A confused Jin asked back

"I usually eat breakfast with Jimin but he left for work early today. Let's go get some breakfast before we continue. I'm guessing you haven't eating either, you should get some food in you first. Anger and hunger isn't a good combination, let's go hyung" Yoongi said and ushered Jin towards the door, only stopping to grab his car keys.

He didn't mind leaving Jungkook in his home since Jungkook was like a little brother to him. He just hoped that Jungkook wasn't going to cry too much in his absence because of what he'd heard.

"Then why did you?" Yoongi asked when they were both outside. Jin turned around to look at Yoongi with a confused expression in his face. "What?" Jin asked.

"You said you shouldn't have agreed to dating him." Yoongi clarified as they both headed for his car. "When I tried to convince you to date him, you told me that you two wouldn't last and the last thing you want to do was hurt Jungkook so you weren't going to date him but then the moment you got home from work that day, Jungkook asked you to be his boyfriend and you said yes. You were so adamant about not dating him when you spoke to me so why did you change your mind that same day?"

What Yoongi hadn't been able to understand since Jin and Jungkook started dating was why they started dating. When Jin was driving to work that day and Yoongi spoke to him over the phone, Jin sounded so certain about not wanting to date Jungkook although he had feelings for the younger. So what changed?

"Because in the car, it was you asking but at home it was Jungkook." Jin explained, not looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi wasn't getting it.

"That doesn't make any sense. If you didn't want to date him, you didn't want to date him. Why does it matter who was asking you to?"

"Because you and Jungkook are different" Jin explained.

"So?" Yoongi asked, still not following

"You're you, and he's Jungkook"

"Hyung, say it so I can understand"

"He's Jungkook" Jin said again, hoping that this time, Yoongi would get it but he was wrong.

"And?" Yoongi asked. He already got it at this point but he wanted to hear Jin say it.

Jin sighed.

"And I love him"

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