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Jungkook and Jimin were sitting on the couch in Jimin's house. "Hyung, what is wrong with me?" Jungkook asked after telling Jimin everything that had happened.

"Jungkookie, there's nothing wrong with you." Jimin assured the younger and he stroked his back, comfortingly.

"Yes, there is. He loves me like a brother but-"

If there was one thing Jimin was sure of, it was that Jin certainly did not love Jungkook like a brother. There were a lot of questionable things that Jimin had noticed Jin letting Jungkook do to him that siblings wouldn't do to each other. Like the time Jin let Jungkook sit between his legs when Jimin, Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi were watching a show at Jin and Jungkook's home. What brother would let his brother sit between his legs with their ass on his crotch. Yes, he noticed when Jungkook shifted into that position that night. He also noticed how Jin failed to put a stop to it or chide the younger for it.

"Did he say that?" Jimin asked

"He didn't have to. Hyung, I'm like family to him. How can I not be when his parents and brother think of me like family too."

"You forget that they aren't his biological family, Jungkook. And it doesn't matter what they think of you because unless your last name changed to Kim—courtesy of the Kim's adopting you— since the last time I saw you, you're not his brother."

Jungkook was about to counter that statement but Jimin continued, "I think you should talk to him, Jungkook. Let him know how you feel about him, properly this time. You two should talk about where you stand with each other."

Jungkook shook his head.

"He's mad at me."

"All the more reason you should talk to him. Don't let his anger fester, you guys should resolve this."


Jungkook took slow steps back to his and Jin's house. He didn't want to go back but he couldn't run away because Jimin was watching him from his doorway. When Jungkook crossed the fence separating his house from Jimin's, he saw a car in the driveway. It wasn't Jin's.

Confused, he walked quickly towards his house and let himself in since the door was open.

"Kim Seokjin hyung!"

"Kim Taehyung-ah!"

"Hyung, it's not funny. Give it back!"

"Make me!"

"Kim Seokjin hyung, I swear-"

Jin had his back pressed against the living room wall with his hands behind his his back as if protecting something in them while the aforementioned Kim Taehyung was as close as humanly possible to Jin and his hands were all over Jin's body trying to pry the latter off the wall so he could get whatever it was that was in Jin's hands.

They looked too comfortable with each other and they were laughing so happily as well. It bothered Jungkook.

"Hyung!" Jungkook yelled. He was infuriated. He left for less than two hours only to find his hyung in a compromising position with someone he didn't know? Who the hell was this Kim Taehyung? And why didn't Jungkook know him? He knew all of Jin's friends.

"Oh, Jungkook. You're back." Jin said as he separated himself from Taehyung and adjusted his clothes since they had been roughed up when Taehyung tried to get back the picture he had taken from him.

"Jungkook?" Jin rarely ever called him, "Jungkook".

"What's going on here?" Jungkook sounded like a parent interrogating their kid.

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