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Jungkook was now fifteen and Jin was now twenty seven.

After Jin got the job as a chef, he sold the convenience store. Then after about a year of working as a chef, he had saved up enough money in addition to the money he got from selling the store, to buy himself and Jungkook a nice house with two bedrooms in the suburbs.

It wasn't a big house but it was good enough. They were comfortable.

His job paid well since it was a high class restaurant he worked at, so they were now living the life of the average middle class.

It had been about three months since they moved in to their new house.

As Jungkook sat on the couch awaiting the arrival of his hyung, his phone rang. "Hello hyung" Jungkook answered after he picked up the phone.

"Are they there yet?" Jin asked. He was currently on his way back from work but was stuck in traffic.

"They've been here for about twenty minutes hyung and the show starts in fifteen, where are you?" Jungkook asked.

"Still stuck in traffic. I'll try to get home before the show starts" Jin replied and Jimin yelled, "if you don't get back in time, we'll start watching without you."

"Am I on speakerphone?" Jin asked and Yoongi answered, "yes hyung, now hurry the fuck up."

"Yes, let me just wave my magic wand and clear out traffic." Jin said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes before adding, "and stop cursing! You're the one teaching my little Kookie all those bad words."

"Stop talking and start waving that magic wand of yours, tinker bell. You now have twelve minutes till the show starts." Yoongi said

"Try to get here as quickly as possible, Jinnie hyung" Jungkook added.

"I'll do my best. If I don't make it on time, you guys can start watching without me." Jin replied and Jimin chuckled, "we were going to do that in the first place."

"See you soon, hyung" Jungkook said and Jin hummed before ending the call.

Yoongi and Jimin was Jin and Jungkook's next door neighbor. Also, Jimin and Yoongi were in a relationship.

The four of them had formed a close knit friendship over the course of the few months since Jin and Jungkook moved in to their new house.

The couple were over at Jin and Jungkook's house because tonight was the premiere of a new show that they'd been looking forward to, and they all planned on watching it together but they couldn't do that, if Jin was stuck in traffic.

Jungkook figured that since Jin wasn't here, this was the best time to ask the questions that he had been dying to know for some time now.

"How did you two realize that you weren't straight?" Jungkook asked out of the blue, which took the couple sitting on the couch opposite him, by surprise.

He asked because although he knew that he most likely wasn't straight, he just wanted to... confirm it?

He felt that if he heard their story, it would give him some more clearance as to what he was or whether what he was starting to feel for a certain someone was actually what he thought it was.

"Why so suddenly?" Yoongi asked, after the shock had settled

"I'm just curious" Jungkook replied. He didn't want to say anything because he wasn't completely sure, yet

"Okay. Well, for me, it was in high school. I realized that I'm bi when I started feeling the same way for a certain guy as I did when I had a crush on girls." Yoongi replied

"For me, it was when I was in college. Yoongi was my professor's assistant at the time and I just couldn't stop staring at his ass." Jimin said, gaining a laugh from both Yoongi and Jungkook.

Jungkook wasn't sure if that helped. Sure, he had caught himself staring at his Jinnie hyung longer than normal, on many occasions, but that could be out of admiration, right?

After a couple minutes of comfortable silence, Jungkook asked the second question he'd been dying to know the answer to.

"Which way does Jinnie hyung swing?" Jungkook asked before quickly adding, "I'm only asking for research purposes." He didn't want them to suspect anything.

Jungkook had never asked Jin about his sexual orientation before, mostly because he was scared of the answer and he felt like he would break down in tears in front of Jin if the answer he got wasn't the answer that he wanted.

"He once told me that he that he came out as gay to his parents when he was thirteen" Jimin replied and Jungkook let out a breath he didn't even realize that he had been holding.

He was so glad to hear that his hyung wasn't heterosexual. He didn't know what he would do if his hyung was.

"Okay, he's not here. The show starts in five minutes. Go get the popcorn kid, we're watching it without him." Yoongi said and Jungkook went to the kitchen to microwave the popcorn and grab some drinks.

He placed the snacks on the table in the living room, and just as he sat down, Jin came through the front door.

"I made it with two minutes to spare!" he said as he walked further into the house.

"Fina-fucking-lly" Yoongi said and Jin yelled, "Yoongi, language!"

"Hyung!" Jungkook said, excited that his hyung could make it in time. He got up from the couch so Jin could sit down after taking off his shoes.

Jungkook would've just moved over but he preferred sitting in a different position.

When Jin came over to the living room, he sat on the couch Jungkook was previously occupying. He rested his back on the armrest and stretched out one leg on the couch while the foot of this other leg was on the floor.

Jungkook then sat between Jin's legs, resting his back against Jin's chest as he turned on the tv so they could begin watching the show.

As the show came on, Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about his hyung's sexual orientation and wasn't really able to concentrate because his heartbeat was ringing loudly in his ears.

A/N: Yoongi is 26 and Jimin is 23

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