Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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1 Year Later

Hoseok might be great at a lot of things like teaching people the right things to say or do to land them the person of their interests, but he was no magician. Some things just couldn't be taught, like maturity, for example. One good thing did come out of all of this, though. Jin and Jungkook were back on speaking terms again.

It was a slow process and a very petty Jungkook coupled with an adamant Jin, but eventually the two managed to fall back into a similar routine to how they'd been before ever getting together. Now, Jungkook was a high school graduate and in less than 12 hours, will be boarding a plane to his university on the other side of the country.

Considering that Jungkook was so adamant about leaving Jin last year, so much that he got angry at Jin when Jin said he shouldn't commute to school and should live on campus instead, Jin was shocked when earlier this year, Jungkook stated that he wanted to go to a university on the other side of Korea; one that was about 4 hours away by airplane.

The reason for this was because Jungkook realized that being close to Jin did nothing for the feelings he'd harbored for the older since what seemed like forever. He felt that putting some much needed distance between them would help rid himself of his feelings because although he and Jin were back on good terms again, it still hurt him everyday loving Jin the way that he did, while knowing that Jin didn't want anything to do with him romantically, anymore.

"Kookie, do you have everything packed? By the way, I made your favorite: belgian waffles with ice cream and freshly squeezed orange juice. I figured I should since it's your last breakfast at home before you leave and all" Jin asked as he peeked his head into Jungkook's bedroom.

That was another thing that made Jungkook hurt.

Jin was just so perfect. The way he treated Jungkook, the way he spoke to him, the way he cared for him, even the way he called his name. Jungkook couldn't bring himself to fall out of love for Jin. It was too difficult when there was nothing to hate about the older. No matter what Jin did, Jungkook just found himself loving him more. Hence, the space he required by being across the country.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna put the last of the boxes in the car and come eat." Jungkook said as he sealed up the final box and began carrying it off out of the house, but Jin stopped him.

"I got it, go eat." Jin said and took the box from the younger. Jungkook flashed Jin a tired yet grateful smile before heading to the kitchen as Jin headed for the front door. That was what Jungkook got for waiting till the night before to start packing. Truthfully, although Jin had been bothering him to begin packing weeks prior, Jungkook was having second thoughts. He was beginning to doubt his decision to move so far away. He'd never been more than 30-minutes away (by foot) from Jin since he met him and now he was moving 4 hours away (by airplane). For a while, he had started to doubt his ability to function without Jin.

Who would hug him when he was sad, calm him down when he was angry, make him laugh when he was upset, hold him when he was scared, reassure him when he was doubtful?

But then, wasn't that the point of wanting to be so far away from Jin? Jungkook knew he couldn't be dependent on Jin forever.

What about when Jin found someone and settled down, started his own family? What would Jungkook do then?

That was why Jungkook made up his mind to leave.

He had to leave now and get over his feelings or suffer an even bigger heart break in the future if he had to watch Jin walk down the isle with someone that wasn't him while he was still so madly in love with the older.

But first, Jungkook had to make sure of something.

It was one last attempt before he left for good.

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