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1st October 1989

A woman in her late 30's was walking home from her work place. It was around lunch. 11:50am to be exact. There wasn't anyone around. This woman was alone.

She was dressed in a tight pencil skirt that showed off her fake tanned legs, riddled with tattoos that didn't mean anything in particular. She wore a black off-the-shoulder leotard and a black leather jacket along with black ankle boots. She walked with a pace; fast enough to show she had a destination but slow enough to show she was confident.

As she turned off the street into the ally, going the shortcut she always went, she felt a hurricane of pain occur in her stomach. Well... she thought it was her stomach. Due to the sudden pain she had stopped. She couldn't walk, this pain she felt was immense. Like nothing she had ever felt before in all her life. Grabbing her stomach as a way to ease her pain she realised her usual flat belly had turned to one like a ball. Confused and frightened she sat down trying to ease the pain. The pain did not ease as she started sobbing. Then she felt it. Kicks. Something inside her belly was kicking her. Pregnant. She thought it impossible however the impossible occurrence didn't give her time to register as she could feel that whatever was inside her, was ready to exit.

She screamed. Maybe from pain. Maybe from fear. But she screamed all the same.


Nobody replied. Nobody was there. She knew she was alone but it was like she lost all capability to think.


Still nothing. This thing was coming out whether she liked it or not. She could feel it moving inside her as it was slowly getting ready to leave her. The woman shredded her hands as she tried to grip the concrete floor, clawing at something to take the pain away from her insides. She closed her eyes knowing that it was time. The monster inside her causing her pain was finally coming out. She screamed again. Pain was the only thing going through her mind.

The pain ended with one final scream. Then silence. The women looked down seeing a human baby looking back at her. The baby had fair, untainted skin that had no resemblance to the woman's.  The baby was alive but it didn't scream and cry like most babies. It just laid there, looking at her. She cut the cord using a sharp rock she found of the ground and taking out the afterbirth. She stared at the child, frightened by it. She stood up, not taking her eyes of the child on the ground. Taking off her jacket she wrapped the child in it while it looked at her with its one purple, one blue eyes which did not match its mothers auburn eyes who saw the child more like an alien rather than her child.

Then she put it down and walked away. She didn't come back. She didn't look back. The woman went back to her walk as if nothing ever happened. Forgetting what ever happened. This new born baby girl with odd eyes and fair skin was left alone in a dim ally in the cold winter air only wrapped in a leather jacket. Looking at the back of her mother walking away from her, disappearing around the corner. Never to be seen by her daughter again.

     •Time skip 7 years•

"Jupiter get in and out with as much as you can. Remember to get most of the shiny stuff."

"Yes Uncle Axel I know the drill! I've ben doing this since I was born and I haven't failed once."

Jupiter had been found by a thief, after her mother left her on the ground, who taught her his ways in hope to gain more cash and a partner in crime. Although he put on a hard façade, he grew to love Jupiter. He named her Jupiter because of her big eyes when he found her. He always described them as planets in her eyes.

They were in the ally next to the Umbrella Academy owned by billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Being a billionaire, the thief and his adopted daughter had assumed that he would have lots of valuables in his home. Being small, fast and a talent at stealing whilst being unnoticed, Axel was about to send Jupiter into the building to find said valuables and take them.

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