Episode Seven: The Day That Was (Part 3)

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Jupiter P.O.V

After a couple more hours of searching, I was losing hope of finding Luther. It's not that I didn't want to find him, it's just been a very long day. I was hungry, tired and losing the will of helping my overgrown potato sack of a brother. If I'm feeling like this now, I can only imagine that Klaus is only doing this for me, baring in mind he wanted to go home ages ago.

"We've been to seven bars, three strip joints, and a laundromat." Klaus whined as we were walking behind yet another club. "Luther's not here. Can we go home now?"

"Yeah, I'm ready to leave it now. Hit the hay." I began to turn around, heading in the direction of home.

"Would he give up on either of you?" Ben called out. I stop and turn back around, not bothering to answer because we all knew it anyway. We get round the corner and into the parking lot. We hear some more laughter of girls leaving the club, their words clear as day.

"That's the biggest hairy guy I have ever seen." She said as she walked past us. When she is out of ear shot I turn to the others.

"Looks like our luck has changed." I said as we began to walk to the entrance. "Now, either this is Luther or just some other huge hairy dude. We, for all our sakes, are hoping it's Luther." 

We enter the club only to be engulfed in extremely loud music and the smell of all things unholy. Drugs, alcohol and puke. To most, this smell alone would put you off but I've been to my fair share of clubs and it's all too familiar to me. The neon lights and people dancing get my energy up again, my body recognising the atmosphere and getting ready to party. As we enter deeper into the club, I have a jig in my step. Might as well have some fun whilst we're here, right? I notice Klaus, unusually covering his ears and seemingly stressing out. Guess the drugs used to numb the noise of clubs to him. If we can find Luther as quick as possible then we can get Klaus home soon.

"God, this is torture." Klaus, spoke loudly over the music. I could barely hear him but my sympathy for him still soaring. Being surrounded by all the drugs and alcohol must be hard on him. His addiction begging to be sustained.

"I can't hear you!" Ben said from behind. Understandable as he was furthest away from Klaus.

"He said 'God, th--" I cut myself off as realise Klaus as stopped walking, staring at something in front of us. "Klaus, why'd you sto--" I follow his eyeline as Ben walked up next to us so we were in a line, all looking at the same thing.

"Holy Shit." All of us spoke with both amazement and shock. Unsure of how to react.

Luther was in the centre of the club, shirtless, dancing his massive body around. His hair was covering his torso so much, you could barely see any skin. It was like a gorilla. Nothing I had ever seen before. We were all so stunned at this scene in front of us. He seemed to be having a good time though...

"Do you think he knows?" Klaus shouted over the music to us.

"Do you reckon he has a tail?" I shouted back.

"I don't think he cares." Was all Ben replied.

"Come on." Klaus said as we started making our way towards Luther. "Luther!" Once we had reached him, Luther looked down at us with a surprised expression. "Luther!" Luther didn't say anything, he just jumped down from the platform and picked both me and Klaus up into a hug.

"Owwwww." Me and Klaus whined as we were squeezed together. I could smell the alcohol and sweat off Luther and it was grossing me out.

"Isn't this amazing?" Luther finally spoke as he finally let us go.

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