Episode Six: The Day That Wasn't (Part 2)

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Five P.O.V

After coming to the Handlers office for lunch, she had told me many different ways the Commission has done things in history. She spoke briefly about one of Phil's cases went before slurping loudly on her drink. I wasn't really listening to her because I didn't know where Jupiter was and I was starting to worry. I was snapped out of my thought when she asked me a question. The Handler asked Carla to bring in a box over the intercom. As Carla entered, the Handler got up and walked around to my side of the desk where Carla had put the box and walked back out. I got up to stand next to her as we both looked down at the box on her desk.

"Go ahead. Open it." She said with a grin as she took another puff. I do as she says and open it, only to find it full of clothes. "Clothes make the man, Five. Won't it be nice when you can actually wear it? Very soon, I assure you. They're perfecting your body as we speak."

"Thank you." I said, showing no emotion. "It's a very kind gift." I then span around to point at the object the other side of the room. "Is that a Chinese flame thrower?"

"Good eye." The Handler said with a grin. I walked over to it to get a closer look. "War. Such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for a permanent human flaw." She began to walk up behind me to look at the object. "Course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,000 ft." She chuckled. "These are just some of the things I've collected in my travels." She picked up a grenade and threw it in the air and caught it again. "M26 grenades from the Vietnam war. And this, the most noteworthy, perhaps. My Walther pistol. The very one Hitler used to kill himself." She pointed the gun at the wall, her arm out stretched. "We're not supposed to take these kind of things, but... he wasn't gonna use it anymore. Feel... how perfectly balanced that is. Hm?" She hummed as she passed me the gun. I looked down at it, felt balanced but I didn't show it off.

"I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you. Some suggestions to improve Commission protocol." I said looking up at her, giving her back the gun.

"Mm! Shaking things up already." She stroked my face. "I admire that." She then poked my nose and walked back to her desk. "Go on. Do tell!" I followed her back to her desk.

"Gloria. The tube operator. Wouldn't it be simpler if case managers were to send their own messages?" I asked, leaning on the back of the chair.

"I appreciate the thought. I really do. But everyone loves Gloria. I--I would never hear the end of it. She's been with the Commission family for years, and she's this close to making pension." She said using her fingers as a measurement. I was about to speak but was interrupted by a knock on the door and a woman entering.

"Sorry to interrupt. May I have a moment alone?" The woman spoke, panting. It looked like she was frightened. The Handler seemed to know what she wanted to talk about and got slightly uneasy herself.

"Of course." She then looked at me. "Duty calls. We'll continue this discussion later, Five." She began to get up.

"Sure. May I?" I pointed to the sweets.

"Please." She said with a simple hand gesture. I took a couple and put them in my pocket as I was about to walk out but stopped at the door.

"Oh, and Handler?" I asked as she looked up. "Where is Jupiter?"

"Ah, she is locked up somewhere downstairs. Ask David, he will show you to her. Goodbye." She finished with a wave. I wanted to reply but she clearly wanted me to leave. Why did she have Jupiter locked up?  I needed to find her.

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Jupiter P.O.V

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