Episode Two: Run Boy Run (Part 1)

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Before I start this chapter, I just want to say that I'm going to start writing in past tense as I'm struggling to keep it in present tense. So yeah, if you notice the difference, that's why.


Jupiter P.O.V

After Diego dropped us off last night, me and Klaus had the bright idea to go sell the items we stole. I wanted to forget about the events of the day and going out seemed like the best way to do that. We came back to the academy at around 3 AM as we went out clubbing, spending the money we got, and couldn't make it up stairs as we were so drunk so we slept in the lounge. We slept in each others arms on the couch. Klaus only wearing his boxers and me in my underwear and his t-shirt. He was so warm and snuggly but I woke up as he started to talk in his sleep.

"No, no, no, no...." Klaus whimpered as if he were crying, hugging me tighter. He was still asleep. I knew that this was a result of him becoming sober from the drugs. All the voices coming back into his head. "Please...."

"Shhhh, it's okay, Klaus." I whisper to him but this didn't work. He started rolling around looking really uncomfortable. I'd never seen the voices effect him so much, I figured that's why he turned to drugs. I felt sorry for him, seeing him restless. Taking it upon myself to help, I put my hands eaither side of his head and use my power to clear him mind. Taking all his thoughts into my head but there were so many voices screaming his name. I can't believe this is what he goes through. Each time I pull a voice out his head and into mine, another one pops up. Then with a sudden intake of breath he woke up and jolted up and put his hand on his heart, calming his breath. 

"Oh..." He said, trying to relax. He then fell to the floor and tried to look under the table for something. My guess; drugs. I sigh as he starts talking to a dead someone, I reckon its Ben as it usually is. "Shut your pie hole, Ben." Suspicion confirmed. "Said with love." Blowing a kiss in  the air towards the empty armchair.

"Hi Ben." I said, wanting my brothers to acknowledge me being there.

"He says hi, how are you." Klaus said, acting as a messenger while he scrambles on the floor.

"I'm good, Ben, missing you though!"

"He says; glad to hear your okay, and he misses you too." Klaus gets up off the floor after going through his coat. "You can't smoke eggs." As he lights the cigarette in his mouth. It might be drugs, I don't know but I'm to hung over to try and stop him as he walks over to the cabinet. "One of these has gotta be gold-plated, right?"

Suddenly I hear someone clear their throat giving me a jump scare. I whipped my head around to see who it was, just Pogo.

"Christ on a cracker!" Klaus exclaimed, clearly startled too. "Pogo?"

"My apologies, Master Klaus, Miss Jupiter." He said calmly. "I have a query for you."


"Items from your fathers office have gone missing." He said, clearly knowing it was us who took them. "In particular, an ornate box with pearl inlay.

"Really?" Me and Klaus said at the same time, sounding suspicious. "You don't say?" Klaus adds.

"Any idea where it went?" Pogo asked at us, acting as if he didn't know we took it.

My mind went black to yesterday in the ally after we had stolen the items.


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