Episode One: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Part 3)

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Jupiter P.O.V

[Playing "I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany]

The muffled song that I'd missed so long came through every wall of the house. Luther used to put this song on a lot and we'd all dance to it as kids. Now, as I hear it again, I can't help myself but dance. I close my eyes and start mumbling the words and dancing slightly, not really moving as I get embarrassed as Klaus is there with me. After a small while I open my eyes and see that Klaus is dancing as well... but with the yearn in his hand. Recognising that this might cause him to drop it again, I go over to him and take the yearn from his hands and put it on the side board. I then take his hands and lead him up onto the table and start dancing with him. Spinning and shuffling with our hands together. We both chuckle as we dance. Our minds being drifted away from the fact our father had died and our brother thinks one of us killed him. As is we had never left.

We don't say anything. We just lap up the fact we are finally having some fun. Relaxing after having such a dreadful time filled with bad memories but dancing here with him, and this song playing... This was one of the few good memories that I was reliving.

Suddenly our fun is interrupted when what sounds like a storm appears out of no where, in the courtyard. The worst memory that had always haunted me, taking a foot in my mind. My breathing sped up as I hyperventilate. Frightened I step back into Klaus' arms. He knows what happened to me as he's the only one I told. He holds me as if to shield me from the sound. "Shhh it's okay." He says softly. My breathing calms at the sound of his voice. Just like it did every time I started panicking.

The music is drowned out by the thunder and the sound of windows smashing in.  Everything metal starts to fly across the room towards the storm. Even the yearn starts to move but luckily Klaus gabs it.

"Oh! Daddy?" Klaus says confused. Then a bunch of knives fly towards him. I move them out the way with my mind before they hit him but they still stabbed into the wall. Klaus looks at them shocked that they almost hit him. "Thanks!" He says swiftly.

"No problem!" I smile.

We leave the kitchen to go and see what's happening. Seeing all the others walking towards the door relaxed me further, knowing they're all safe. We follow them out and see a mass of blue energy.

"What is it?" Vanya shouts as she tries to be heard.

"Don't get too close!" Allison yells back, worried about everyone's safety. I look around and realise Klaus hadn't followed us out. Where was he?!

"Yeah, no shit!" Diego replies angrily to Allison.

"Looks like some sort of temporal anomaly." Luther says, finally answering Vanya's question.

"How do you know it's a temporal anomaly?!" I ask. Luther just gives me a look as if to say I just do.

"Well, either that or a black hole. One of the two." Luther replies.

"Pretty big difference there, Paul Bunyan." Diego says always finding away to get at Luther.

"Out of the way!" I turn as I hear Klaus' voice as he comes past as all with a fire extinguisher in his hands.

"What are you---" Luther is cut off when Klaus throws the extinguisher at the anomaly.

"What is that gonna do?" Allison asks, already knowing the answer.

"I don't know. Do you have a better idea?" Klaus replies. He is right. None of us knew what to do.

"I could try to close it?" I say. "I've become a lot stronger over the years and I've been working on my powers. I'm pretty sure I can do it."

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