Episode Eight: I Heard a Rumor (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

I woke up wrapped in Klaus' arms. It was the nicest feeling in the world. I kept still, not wanting this dreamy moment to end but, alas, all good things must come to an end. This came by the beautiful voice of the man beside me.

"Good morrow to you, fair Number Eight." Klaus spoke sweetly as he snuggled his face into my neck.

"Good morrow to you too, Number Four." I spoke as I spun around and kissed him. "Definitely the perfect way to wake up. I want this to last forever."

"Me too, stupid face, but times a ticking, apocalypse a coming." Klaus said as he happily kissed me back before getting up. I groan and eventually get up and have a shower. After getting dressed into my usual black attire, the horrendous thoughts of last night comes rushing back to me. Klaus died. His heart stopped. I was getting choked up just thinking about it. I wondered back into Klaus' room as he was getting dressed and sat on his bed. I didn't speak for a moment, thinking of what to say or how to put it.

"You died last night." I said blankly, not showing any emotion.

"That I did." Klaus replied as he sat next to me. "But I'm back and I'm fine now. Although we do need to have an emergency family meeting about what happened whilst I was dead. We can go wake up Luther from his first hang over. Oooo! That will be fun--"

"I murdered the people who hurt you." I said. My blank voice not changing as I stared at the wall opposite me. Klaus sat, stunned, next to me as he hugged my waist trying to get my attention. I eventually turn my gaze to him for him to find the tears brewing in my eyes.

"Hey, no, no, no. I'm fine, see? And those guys? It's fine... I mean, dad made us kill people before--" Klaus tried to sympathise.

"These guys weren't criminals. They were just too drunk, too high to think rationally. I'm sure they didn't mean to kill you. I just snapped their necks like they were nothing. I didn't mean to... something just came over me and it was like I lost all capability to think straight. Only one thing on my mind..."

"What was that?"

"You. The image of your dead body on the ground next to me was enough to turn me into a monster. Then I killed them like twigs under my foot." I started to sob, tears streaming down my face. "Klaus. I'm so afraid of my own power. I couldn't control it last night. I killed people. What if we got in an argument and I kill you? I couldn't live with myself. I'd... i'd-- I'd kill misel--"

"Don't finish that. You wouldn't kill me. I know you wouldn't. You were right to be angry at those guys. I would have done the same if they had killed you. Sure it would have taken a lot more effort but I would have tried." He said, earning a chuckle from me. He took my chin in his hands and looked deep into my eyes. "Jupiter, you will learn to control the power within you. And when you do, you will do great things. Amazing things! And I will be right here, beside you, through the whole journey."

"You're crazy. You know that?" I ask with a giggle. Klaus always knew what to say to cheer me up, one of the things I lo-- like about him.

"Yeah. Maybe. But you're waaaayyyy crazier. You and I both know it, sweet cheeks, so don't even try to deny it." He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you." I said as I wrapped him in a hug.

"Always, for you." Klaus said as he tightened the hug before letting go and jumping up. "Right! Lets go wake up the house!"

"Yes!" I agree excitedly as we run out the door. I find a couple bells on the side and give one to Klaus as we start ringing them as we walk down the hall, over to Luther's bedroom as he still hasn't awoken yet.

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