Episode Ten: The White Violin

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Klaus P.O.V

I was in my room distracting myself from Jupiter by trying to touch Ben again. That was until we hear an almighty crash. I run in to the corrider seeing the rest of my siblings looking around in fee and confusion. The academy began to shake around us.

"Yo, what the hell is going on?" Diego shouted.

"Are those explosions coming from--" I ask but am shortly interrupted by Pogo coming out from nowhere.

"Vanya and Jupiter. We have to get to safety, outside the academy." Pogo said sternly. We look at Luther briefly before running down the hall.

"Don't forget mom." We hear Luther shout. We ran up to the picture gallery where mom's usually charging but she wasn't there.

"Where is she?" Diego yells as we run across the hall.

"Mom!" I yell, begging to find her. As we turn we get hit down by some small rocks of the ceiling falling on our heads. I groan and roll on the floor whereas Diego is unresponsive. I look up to see the ceiling cracking. This can't be good, its going to fall. "Diego." I pat his back trying to wake him up. "Diego! Diego!" The ceiling kept cracking. I couldn't leave my brother there as I began to panic. "Diego!" But as the ceiling began to fall I see Ben dragging Diego and I out the way. I look back to see the giant slab of concrete where we just were. Only then does Diego decide to wake up. "Holy shit." I was shocked as Ben managed to touch us again. Diego groaned as he tried to get up. "Come on. Come on, come on. Diego!" I said as I helped him up, putting his arm around me as we ran to the door.

-------------------------------------------P.O.V Change------------------------------------------------------

Jupiter P.O.V

Vanya and I walked through the house. Blowing up each room as we went. We separated as Vanya went down to our rooms and I went up to Dad's office. I burst in the room, the door flying in and landing in the centre of the room. I looked around the place it all again. The moment it all began. The moment he took me from my Uncle. The moment he began his fucked up plan to create me into the monster I am. Each book shelf began exploding as I got angrier and angrier at the memories of dear old dad. The times he locked me up. The times he broke me. I looked up at the portrait of Sir Reginald Hargreeves hanging behind his desk. A small flame flickered in his face and spread quickly to the rest of the painting. Turning the edges black as it went out. Then as I left the room, it exploded behind me. Leaving nothing of that cruel and despicable bastard behind.

As I entered the living room, Vanya joined me. Taking my hand as we recombined our power. Another portrait of Dad on the wall. I burned it as Vanya made the room shake around us. I helped, making the walls and pillars around us crack and shatter.

"Miss Vanya, Miss Jupiter. That's quite enough!" Pogo shouted. We stopped as we turned and began to walk over to him. Our eyes to normal and the house still. "Miss Vanya. Miss Jupiter. I understand how upset you both are. But I can assure you... that none of your siblings bare any responsibility for what happened to you as children."

"He treated us like projects. Experiments! We were children! And you did nothing to stop him." I growled.

"Did you know?" Was all Vanya said.

"Your father discovered... that you were capable of great things, Miss Vanya. Much like your brothers and sisters. But your powers were... too great. But when he found you, Miss Jupiter. He was frightened by your capability."

"Capability for what?" I snap.

"For goodness... and evil." Pogo said slowly. I was shocked. Dad thought I was going to be evil? But he made me this way. If I'd have never met him I would have been better off-- No. I would be on the streets. No education. I'd be a criminal. I would be without Klaus. Without Allison and Diego. Dad was frightened of my future. I suppose he took it out on me that he didn't know.

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