Episode Five: Number Five (Part 3)

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Klaus P.O.V

Jupiter just flew off.

I looked off after her hoping she would stop but I knew she wouldn't. She had never lost control this bad before, she must be frightened so much. And Diego didn't help, he was frightened of her.

"Diego, what the hell man?" I walked up to him and got into his face. "She was going to help you!"

"I know, I know!" Diego looked pretty upset with himself. I knew he regretted what he did but I needed to vent. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? Oh, that's great! HEY JUPITER YOU CAN COME BACK NOW! DIEGO SAYS HE'S SORRY. Oh, no, wait. She isn't coming back because she thinks she is a monster and out of control and HER OWN BROTHER is frightened of her!" I screamed at him whilst he just looked at the floor. "So I don't think sorry is gonna do it this time, brother."

"I-- I know. We need to find her." He said as just looked at the cars flat tire.

"Yes. Well we need to get you home. See what Grace can do about that wound." I said, finally calming down.

"Oh... Klaus. I don't know if you know this... Grace is dead." Diego said with as much sympathy as possible.

"I know. But I saw Pogo fixing her this morning before we left. She should be done by now." I sighed as I began to walk over to the ice cream truck we parked behind, the only other car in the parking lot. "Hey, do you know how to hot wire a car?"


"Good! Lets go. Sooner we get you home, the sooner I can go out looking for Jupiter."

"What makes you think she wont have gone home?"

"Well... if I saw you look at me the way you looked at her... I wouldn't want to come home so the rest of our siblings can look at me the same way." I stated simply as I watched him hot wire the car. Diego didn't reply, he just nodded in agreement. I could see he felt guilty about what he had done so I didn't want to make him feel worse. "Are you sure your okay to drive like that?" I asked pointing at his shoulder.

"Also we cant go home. Not just yet. I still want to deal with these bastards. For Jupiter's sake as well." Diego said as he moved over the passenger side signalling me to drive.

"You want me to drive?" I asked as I got behind the wheel.

"Well I cant drive, I've been shot. So I guess I will have to try and survive until we find them." Diego said with a sigh. He clearly didn't like the idea of me driving but like he said, he cant drive.

"Okay. I will help you find them. For Jupiter's sake." I agreed as we drive off, following Diego's directions.

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Jupiter P.O.V

As I was flying back to the academy, I was getting weaker as I was running out of power. Flying really drained me but I saw Luther and Five sitting in a car, as if they were waiting for somebody. I flew down and laid on the bonnet of the car as if I had been there for ages. I cleaned away my previous tears and put on a big smile to hide the previous events from not only them but myself, in a way, as well. They hadn't noticed me as they were too busy talking to each other until finally I tapped on the window.

"-- you're still a young man. You've got your whole life ahead of yo-- AH!" Five noticed me after my tap. I saw him jump and laughed. I nearly fell off the bonnet I was laughing to much but neither him nor Luther looked very impressed. I flew round the car for good measure (and maybe to show off) then got in behind them.

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