Episode Four: Man on the Moon (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

When I regained consciousness, my head felt like lead. 'Where am I?' I thought. Then in a flash, all the memories of the previous night came flooding back. Luther being hit by the chandelier, Diego and I being shot at, Vanya getting hit, then the world going black. I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, hoping it was all just a dream. I could hear heavy sighs next to me and people talking in the background. I couldn't make out what they were saying as my mind wasn't fully back to normal yet but my eyes started to flicker.

"Looks like someone is coming round." A woman said as she tapped my forehead with some force. "Wake up sleepy head."

"You know what? I don't really fancy that right now so I think I'm gonna head back to sleep, if you don't mind." I replied, tightening my closed eyes and giving her a thumbs up.

"I don't think so." She said as she slapped my cheek powerfully. My eyes shot open.

"Oww! That's so rude!" I shouted. I went to rub my cheek but my hands were tied down. Finally taking in my surroundings I see we r in a motel room and I'm tied by my wrists and feet to a chair. I kept blinking, trying to focus my eyes as I saw another body next to me. After blinking a couple more times my eyes finally became less blurry and I could see who it was. "Klaus!"

"I was hoping you would wake up soon. These guys were getting pretty boring." Klaus looked at me with a beaming smile. I smiled back but then looked down at him. He was only in a towel which meant they got him as he got out of the bath. He was also covered in blood, he must have been tortured. He must have seen my panicked eyes looking at his dripping blood as he tried to calm me down. "It's not as bad as it looks." He said as his eyes connected with mine again.

Seeing him tied up with blood around him made me angry. Incredibly angry. Klaus had done nothing wrong, he did not deserve this.  The rage I now held for our captor was visible in my eyes. Although my colourful pupils stayed the same, the white around them turned black. Everything in the room started to float up. I punched the woman who had slapped me which send her flying to the other side of the room.

"You made a big mistake bringing me here." I said with a growl in my voice. "I will snap your necks in an instant for touching him." My power was going out of control again as I ripped out of the chair I was tied down. Then I heard a gun load and I snapped my head towards Klaus. There was another captor. Finally registering it was the same people as last night. The assassins.

"I will pull this trigger before you could even try." The man stated. I could hear they were fearful of me, even Klaus. I could hear their hearts racing. Although I could mostly likely kill them before they shot Klaus, I didn't want to risk it. I wouldn't do anything that risked his life. As I made my decision, my powers stopped like a light switch. My eyes went back to normal and everything in the room that was floating, came crashing back to the ground. I sat back down as the woman quickly tied me back up. I didn't say a word, I just stared at Klaus. After she finished tying me, the woman punched me round the face, obviously getting me back. I didn't flinch or move. I just continued looking at Klaus. Seeing that her punching me wasn't working she followed my eyes towards Klaus.

"Alright lets try this then." She said as she grabbed some sort of metal coil and started to strangle Klaus. He started banging at the floor again.

"--Don't--" He chocked. "--stop-- I'm almost there." Hearing these words and realising what Klaus was up to, I grinned massively. Holding back the rage because they were hurting him. Klaus started to make stupid faces as he grunted.

"Is that a...?" The woman asked as she looked down as she strangled him. The man came up behind them, took one look, and turned back around.

"Yep." He said with a sigh. The woman sighed as she took away the cord, both captors sat on each bed annoyed that torturing wasn't working. I started laughing at their annoyance. Klaus started coughing and spluttering at the fact he could breath again.

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