Episode Nine: Changes (Part 2)

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Jupiter P.O.V

I appeared in the academy and immediately got to work trying to find Vanya. I was still looking by the time the boys got back. They joined the search but with no prevail.

"No sign of Vanya." Five stated with a sigh.

"Like I said before, she isn't in any of the rooms or downstairs." Annoyance radiated off my voice.

"Well, I'm out." Diego said as he patted Klaus' shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Wait. Wait. Wait..." Klaus was confused at Diego giving up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Vanya's still out there, and so are Hazel and Cha-cha." Five reasoned with him.

"I know. I'm gonna get my things and then I'm outta here." Diego explained before walking away. "I got some unfinished business with those fools."

"Hey, did Dad say anything about the apocalypse when you spoke to him?" Five asked Klaus between his sighs of despair. "Any clues as to how it happened?" 

"No. No clues. Truly terrific shave. But no clues." Klaus spoke slowly as he reminisced. Five just sighed.

"Jeeze" Five sighed before starting down the stairs and Klaus followed him. I stood stock still.

"You know, come to think of it-- Jupiter? Come on." Klaus turned as he noticed my presence gone.

"Actually, you know, I think I'm gonna go check on Allison. See how she is doing." I decided. I haven't seen her since I brought her here. I want to make sure she is okay.

"Okay. Uh... Luther is with her. So... You know, be wary." Klaus replied before turning and running after Five.

I special jumped just outside the medical room as not to spook Luther and I knocked before entering. I looked at Allison's still body for only a brief moment before looking down in grief. I missed my sister.

"Hey Luther. How is she?" I asked quietly as I wondered up next to him, at her side.

"Grace says she is going to be okay. Although, she wont be able to talk for a long time in case she damages her voice box." Luther explained, not taking his eyes off Allison.

"Luther... You look incredibly drained and tired. You should get some rest, I can look after Allison for a bit. Rest. Even if it's just 10 minutes, it will do you a world of good."

"You're right." Luther said slowly. I thought I was going to have to put up more of a fight. He seems way too accepting but at least he will get some rest. "Promise me you wont leave her side."

"I promise-"

"And when she wakes up, you will tell me. Immediately."

"Yes, I will-"

"And if she-"

"Luther! I will let you know if anything happens, okay?"

"Yeah, you're right. Sorry." Luther sighed as he began to walk out. I turned around, looking down at Allison as I held her hand.

"Hey, Allison. I miss--" I was cut off by the sound of clattering metal behind me. I spun around to see Luther holding a syringe full of clear liquid. I quickly caught on to what he was doing but, alas, it was too late. He grabbed around the neck and injected me in my arm. "Luther! No! Get off me, Luther. Please, NO!"

"I'm sorry, Jupiter. You can't control your powers. I can't risk the lives of the rest of us. Please forgive me." By the time he finished speaking, his voice was becoming more distant and my eyelids were becoming heavy.

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