Episode Six: The Day That Wasn't (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

As I looked around, we were no longer on the road with Luther. The car was not next to us and neither Klaus or the ice cream truck where ramming into two assassins that weren't here either. This lady transported me and Five to this, what looked like, room full of old fashioned 1950's business workers. She began to walk with Five, out of the building and I didn't want to be left alone in this new place so dashed up to them and began following them out.

"I must admit, Number Five, in all the time that I've been here, I've never met anyone quite like you." The lady spoke to Five before turning back to me slightly whilst she walked. "You either, Jupiter."

"Hello Handler." A man spoke as he walked past but she completely ignored him. Is that her name? Handler?

"Hazel and Cha-cha, for example, are talented, certainly, but... they can't see the big picture." The Handler continued. "You're spunk, your enterprising spirit." She put her arm around his shoulders. " Well, it reminds me a great deal of myself, if... I may be so vainglorious. If things work out for you here, you could potentially make a fine successor, Five." We made it inside another room full of business men and woman. We were dressed differently to them but they didn't care which I thought was quite odd.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience." Five spoke. Why was he speaking differently. He never shows any respect to any of us, why don't we see this side of Five? "As well as this body's replacement." I followed them up the stairs.

"Such chutzpah. It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down, Five. All in good time." The Handler spoke with the opposite amount of courtship that Five had shown her. She must be the boss around here for Five to speak to her like that. "In fact, now that you've finally agreed to work with us, we've got all the time in the world." She then took us into a room. The briefcase room. The memories of Dave and Vietnam flooded my mind as I tried to push them down. It was no use as the fear came ruthlessly in and was clear in my face as my eyes glassed over, ready to cry. "The Commission works in support of a delicate balance between the time line of events and mankind's free will." Five looked up to the briefcases and the Handler noticed. "The briefcases are no longer part of your kit, Five. Free your mind, your management now. I could say the same to you, Jupiter, but I feel it wont do much good." Five turned and saw me shaking. He came over and put his arm around my shoulder, comforting me as we carried on walking. Will I always be this effected by what happened? Tear up every time I see a briefcase? This can't be my life now. What if I walk into a briefcase store? Have a meltdown on the floor? No. That's not me. I need to get over this somehow. If only Klaus were here, he could help with this. Have some bright idea that probably involved drinking.

-----------------------------------------------Time Skip-----------------------------------------------------

After a long tour we entered the case manager room which was filled with people typing away at typewriters. Phones were ringing and overall it just looked like an old fashioned workplace but still clean and slightly sophisticated.

"Five, meet Dot." The Handler introduced us to a sweet woman in what looked like her late 30's.

"Oh, hi!" Dot said with a wide grin.

"Dot is responsible for all apocalypse matters. In fact, it was Dot here who first flagged your appearance in 2019." The Handler said with a smile.

"No hard feelings." Dot said, aware that Five did not want to be found.

"Well, you certainly put us through the ringer. Outsmarting two of our so-called best temporal assassins. If that doesn't spell leadership material... I just don't know." The Handler said quite loudly. When she said 'Leadership material' Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at her. They must all really want a promotion. As she walked over to an empty desk everyone got back to work. "I suspect... you like a challenge, Five." She pulled the chair from under the desk and tapped on it for Five to sit. "Which is why I have given you a particularly complex first case." She said with a grin as she gave him a red folder. I peaked over Five's shoulder to see what it was. "It's too bad Joseph Spah decided against sabotaging the fuel tank." It was the Hindenburg Disaster of 1937. Did they do that? "It would have been so much easer. Anyhoo if you have any questions... I'll be right behind you." She began to walk out. "Oh, Jupiter. Come, come." She motioned me to follow her but I looked at Five, really not wanting to leave him.

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