Episode Seven: The Day That Was (Part 2)

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Jupiter P.O.V

I was sat in the lounge of Harold Jenkins house, waiting for the others to arrive. I had had look around already and found all our faces scratched off of action figures and pictures in the attic. It wasn't pretty. This Harold Jenkins must have something against us... maybe he was a criminal we got? My thoughts were ripped away from me when I hear a massive crash of glass smashing. I jumped out of the chair and was surrounded by the usual happenings when I start to use my power, eyes black and all. Objects around me levitated and started to move towards the source of the sound until I get hit by recognition. Diego. I heave a sigh and let the objects drop from the sky, not caring about them smashing.

"Diego, you dickhead. I thought you were someone else!" I shouted at him as I helped him up. Just then, Allison and Five walk over.

"Subtle." Allison remarks as she looks at all the broken glass.

"You know, the door was unlocked." Five pointed out as he opened it.

"Yeah, well, my way works just fine." He said with a groan of pain.

"Did it? Really? Because I nearly killed you.... again." I stated as I stuck my hip out, crossed my arms and tapped my foot, expecting him to admit jumping through the window was stupid. But, alas, I know my brother and I know he is too proud to admit such a thing so I just roll my eyes at him while he walks into the living room, where I was sat.

"Spread out. Yell if you, uh... you know, you're in trouble." And with that, I was left with Allison and Five.

"Ah, inspiring leadership." Five said with a sigh.

"One of the greats." Allison stated.

"Can't expect him to be as great as Number One, now, can we?" I said as I began walking upstairs. "Allison... a word."

"Yeah. I will help Diego down here." Five said as he wondered off. Allison followed me up the stairs as we wondered up to the attic. I stopped just before the entrance so I could get her full attention.

"Allison. We haven't been able to have a proper chat in such a long time. My life is a hippopotamus shitstorm right now and I got no gal pal to share it with." I spoke calmly.

"Well, I don't think I am great at giving life advice. I mean, look at my life! I'm divorced and have no custody of Claire, I don't even get to see her. I'm running round breaking into peoples houses, trying to stop the end of the world an I--" I cut her off before she could have a full meltdown.

"I want to help you. When this is all over. I want to help you get back Claire, I want to be more in your life because I miss my sister. So many times during my life have I needed a sister but I haven't been around for you. I'm trying to make things right with everyone. Dad doesn't make us who we are today. He's dead! Thank God he did one thing right." I finished as I turned around ready to open the door.

"What did he do right?" Allison, missing the point of what I was saying.

"You. Me. Luther, Diego, Klaus, Five and Vanya. Heck, even Ben!" I said waving my hands in the air like she was supposed to understand but she still stood there, confused. "Well... I can't imagine my life without everyone in it. Sure, would have been a hell of a lot better without dad but at least we all got to meet and brought up together." I said as I turned the lock of the door. I hadn't turned as a I spoke so I was very surprised when I heard sniffling from behind. I turned quickly and looked at her tear eyes. "What? What? No, no, no, no. Don't cry. I-- I don't know what to do! I didn't think I was gonna have to be a sister so soon! Umm..." I began to stroke her head. "There, there?" I had no idea what I was doing but thankfully Allison took initiative and hugged me.

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