Episode One: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Part 4)

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I never found Diego as I ran out of time because I had to get ready for the funeral. I put on a black pencil skirt with tights and black ankle boots. I also put on a white shirt with a black tie. I let jet black hair down and wore basic makeup. Upon following the rest outside I found it was raining. I hadn't come prepared for it. I could use my powers to make it stop but I thought it was fitting for the atmosphere. We all form a semi-circle in front of Luther who held the yearn. Everyone apart from me, Luther and Diego had umbrellas. Ironic really. Holding umbrellas at the funeral of the founder of Umbrella Academy. The rain instantly soaks us three but me, being the small girl I am, got the shivers right away. Upon noticing this, Klaus gives me his long, black coat whilst he protects himself with the pink umbrella he held. Very Klaus to go out of his way to not follow the rest. Giving him a small nod as a thank you, my focus went back to Luther.  Mom looks around at our sad faces, confused.

"Did something happen?" She asks. Does she not remember dad died? Maybe her programming is getting too old.

"Dad died. Remember?" Allison says, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Oh. Yes, of course." Mom replies. Diego looks around at her, worried.

"Is mom okay?" Allison asks Diego as he always spends a lot of time with her.

"Yeah, yeah, she's fine." He answers. Klaus pulls out a cigarette. Usually I would have stopped him but at this time, if he will relax by smoking, I wont stop him. "She just needs to rest." Diego continues. "You know, recharge." Then Pogo arrives.

"Whenever you're ready, dear boy." He says to Luther.

Luther opens the yearn and pours out dad. Nothing happens. I don't know what we were expecting. The ash just fell to the ground in a small pile. Klaus cringes at the uneventfulness of the ash.

"Probably would have been better with some wind." Luther addresses as he looks at all of us.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo asks. Silence. We didn't dare speak. What are we supposed to say. "Very well." Pogo takes it upon himself to speak. "In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy--"

"He was a monster." Diego interrupts. We all look at him. Although he was right, now is not the time. At his funeral? Not even dad deserves that. Klaus laughs at what Diego said, agreeing fully. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The worlds better off without him."

"Diego" Allison says sharply. Trying to stop him.

"My name is Number 2." He raises his voice. "You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it." I point my head down. Disappointed in the fact he was true. Although mom didn't name me, I already had a name, but dad changed my name to Number 8 when he first found me and that's what he called me ever since.

"Would anyone like some tea?" Mom says. There must be something wrong with her. She just completely misreads situations now.

"No, it's okay, mom." Vanya says to her.

"Oh. Okay." Mom says as she smiles.

"Look, you wanna pay your respects?" Diego walks forward and talks to all of us. "Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"You should stop talking now." Luther says getting angry at Diego's words.

"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number 1."

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