Episode One: We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Part 2)

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Time backwards

Back in Reginald's office, alone, before Allison and Jupiter get there.

Klaus P.O.V

Anything of value. Anything that looked expensive. I've already got some silver objects that I found on dear old dads desk but there must be more around here. I mean this man was a billionaire so he must have some kind of jewellery or a stash of cash. There is a wooden box with pearls all around on the desk. It looked pretty expensive. I could sell it for some good money, I reckon, stuffing it into my pants. I know he must have cash somewhere maybe there is a secrete compartment under the desk. Pushing the chair out the way, I get down to see.

"Where's the cash, dad?" I ask knowing he isn't going to answer. I start rummaging through all the draws. Nothing. Just notes and useless data on all of us. Nothing I can sell. "Where's the cash?!"

"Klaus? What are you doing in here?" A voice I recognised all too well. Allison. I missed her, she was always so kind.

"Oh! Allison! Wow, is that you?" I get up off the floor and go to hug her. "Hey, come here. Long time. Too long. Hey, I was hoping to see you actually bec--" I stop because I realise that Allison has turned around with a smirk on her face. It's not like her to turn away from someone when they're talking to her. I follow her gaze and immediately I see what she is looking at. More over, who she is looking at. Those big purple and blue eyes stare right back into my green ones. It's her. "Jupiter." I say, my breath taken away making it sound airy.

"Hey Klaus." She says with a smirk. Her voice is so soft like a pillow. She looks just as beautiful as she did when I last saw her. Her smile radiating to me, I need to be near her. I gently push past Allison and immediately wrap my arms around Jupiter's waist and lift her up into the tightest hug I could give, never wanting to let her go again. Always so perfect. She Smells perfect, she looks perfect, she feels perfect in my arms again. I had missed her so much. We were childhood sweethearts and we loved each other but then she had to leave. She broke my heart but I could never stop loving her. I still do. Love her.

I feel her pull back, much to my dismay, but it also meant I could revel in her looks once again. I stare deep into her eyes, hypnotised by them. I feel her hands travel from around my neck down my arms, not leaving my body. Then her fingers snag on my rehab band and immediately her eyes turn into ones of panic. She looks down at it and then immediately back to my eyes. I see her eyes gloss over with guilt and sympathy. She knows that she broke me because she broke herself as well, when she left. I know she is going to start blaming herself, so I have to start talking quickly.

"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I'm done with all that." I say. She knows when I lie but I can at least try. I don't want her to feel guilty. It isn't her fault I became this way even though deep down... I know it is. " I just came down here to prove to myself that the old man was really gone." I end as my voice tremors with fake sadness.

Jupiter and Allison give me a doubting look and a smirk.

"And he is! He's dead. Yeah!" I say with glee, clapping my hands and walking back around behind the desk. "You know how I know? Because if he were alive, not one of us would be allowed to set foot in this room. He was always in here, our whole childhood, plotting his next torment right?" I chuckle as I sit in fathers chair with my feet on the desk. " Remember how he used to look at us? That scowl?" I say as I point up to the portrait of the old man on the wall behind me. "Thank Christ he's not our real father," I continue. "So we couldn't inherit those cold, dead eyes!" Jupiter let out a giggle, which I saw. I love making her laugh, I want to do it more so I hold my fingers up to my eyes making them look bigger, let out a gargled scream making Jupiter and Allison giggle further. I look at Allison, imitating fathers voice "Number three!"

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