Episode Four: Man on the Moon (Part 2)

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Klaus P.O.V

"You went there again, didn't you?" Ben asked. He knew about my flashbacks to the mausoleum.

"No, no, no, no." I whimpered to myself. Breathing deep trying to calm myself. Jupiter started humming. She was humming the song all of us loved as children. 'I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany'. Upon hearing her hum, I calmed down. Even though she couldn't use her powers, she could still help a little. I closed my eyes and focused on her voice, distracting me from my memories. Unfortunitly, it wasn't enough. The Russian lady was back and her voice was louder than ever. It seemed as if she was trying to talk to the assassins. She sounded upset but I couldn't understand her. She then looked over to me and I saw her face bleading.

"Oh, Jesus." I looked away.

"Look at her." Ben said. "At how she's looking at them. She's one of their victims." I started to look up. He was right, she looked like she knew them. "We can use this." Ben continued. "Go on. You haven't been this sober since you were a teenager, since you decided to keep the ghosts at bay. This is your chance, Klaus. To control them, learn their secrets. Try to talk to her."

"Hi--Hi" I turned to look at her. The woman assassin looked up, thinking I was talking to her. "Hi, uh... what's your name?"

"Zoya Popova." She answered.

"Oh! That's a lovely name. And can you tell me what happened?"

"What happened is if you don't shut up, I'mma cut your tongue out with a grapefruit spoon." The woman assassin shouted angrily. I looked at the assassin, deep into her eyes.

"Zoya Popova." I stated simply. The assassins looked at each other, shocked, recognising the name.

"What did he say?" The man asked.

"Zoya Popova?" The woman replied.

"Old Russian broad, short, with a limp." I stated to them, describing the Russian woman. Their eyes widening as I laugh. "Oh, she's really pissed at you guys." I end with a whistle.

--------------------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------------------------

"She chopped my hands off and let me bleed to death in the bathtub." The Englishman waved his savaged hands in front of my face.  This had to be the 50th person I've spoken to who has died from these two assassins. Then a woman spoke to me in mandarin. I don't know what she was saying but I could clearly see her throat had been sliced. Then more and more of them told me their death stories and it all became too much.

"Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. Everybody just... everybody just shut up, please shut up." I sighed. "Jesus, you guys are worse than the drugs." The assassins started talking again but in hushed tones so I couldn't hear them. Another man started talking to me. "Swiss alps, huh?" The male assassin turned our chairs around to face him. I had heard their names but I couldn't remember which one was which. "which one are you? Cha-cha or Hazel?" I asked the man.

"Hazel." He replied.

"Jan Mueller. Remember him?" I asked. "Swiss Alps. Him and his wife were coming back from a ski trip."

"I remember." Cha-cha piped in. Jupiter looked proud at me. She was smart and knew I had been talking to their victims, she knew it could be of some help. "Forward. Reverse!" The man told me they had run him over and she had just confirmed that.

"Yeah, that's it! Yeah! And his wife... escaped down an alleyway." I looked towards Hazel. "He says to say thank you." I said looking deep into his eyes with a knowing smirk.

"What is he talking about?" Cha-cha looked suspiciously towards Hazel.

"I don't know." Hazel didn't move.

"He was so grateful to you, Hazel, for having spared his wife." I grinned at him, knowing this was a secret. I then looked at Cha-cha. "You know, there may be hope for him yet? Don't you think?"

"Bathroom, now!" She said angrily and they both walked into the bathroom.

"Nicely done." Ben said proudly.

"See, Klaus? This is what you can achieve when you embrace it." Jupiter spoke, happiness in her voice. "I'm so proud of you." Joy took over me. Doing this made Jupiter happy and I would do anything to keep her this way.

"Jan says you're a real mensch, Hazel!" I yelled to them in the bathroom. I heared Cha-cha groan as she walked back out. "He said you were such a great--" I was cut off as Cha-cha began to put tape over my mouth. "No! No!" I shook my head but it didn't work, the tape went over my mouth again. She also put one over Jupiter as well and then walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. I turned and tried to shuffle over to the table next to the door. Jupiter did the same. We then heard footsteps walking down the corridor outside. We started to scream through the tape. It wasn't working so I looked down to the table and started banging my head against it. This was louder than our voices and would surely catch this person attention. Jupiter started kicking the table to help make more noise. We didn't hear anymore noise so I stopped before I caused myself brain damage. Whimpering, I gave up hope and started sobbing. Suddenly the locked clicked and the door swung open. Me and Jupiter's eyes both shot right to the door. It was a detective. I believe Diego has a thing for her. We started wailing again as he attention came to us.

"Are you Diego's brother and sister?" She asked us. We both nodded as much as we could. "I'm detective Patch." I nodded towards the bathroom to indicate they were in there. She put her finger up to her lip to shush us and got a knife to cut us free. As she got Jupiter free, the bathroom door opened slowly. Patch got her gun out and pushed us behind the bed as she shot at HAzel who stuck his head out.

"Police! Drop the gun or you're going down!" Patch shouted to the bathroom. Hazel came out and dropped the gun.

"I'm coming out. Don't shoot." He said as I grabbed my coat that was on the bed and began to unscrew the air vent.

"Hands behind your head, asshole." Patch shouted at Hazel as he walked out the bathroom.

"Okay. Just don't shoot."

I pulled off the vent cover and saw the briefcase in it. There could be good money in there so I pushed it in front of me as I climbed through the vent. I looked behind me to make sure Jupiter was following as she was. We had gotten quite far before we heard a gunshot. I just knew that Patch was dead. I could here Jupiter crying behind me but there was nothing I could do. We just carried on.

Once out the vents we managed to catch a bus that went anywhere. We did check where it went we just got on. Jupiter noticed the briefcase I was carrying.

"What do you reckon is inside it?" She asked.

"I don't know. I'm hoping money so we can pay for this bus trip." I stated.

"Well open is and find out." She said holding my arm tighter. She hadn't let go since we got out of the vents as she was incredibly frightened by the kidnappers. I then opened it and we were surrounded in blue light.


Hi Stars,

Sorry this is so late out! But here it is. Finished Episode Four: Man on the Moon.

I hope you enjoy it! As always leave a comment of whatever! I would also like to dedicate this chapter to @a_loser_who_writes for leaving me a incredibly lovely comment informing me of a mistake I made in the prologue to which I have now changed.

Anyway, more chapters coming soon!

-Amy                                                          Words: 4243

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