Episode Seven: The Day That Was (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

"I don't know. Yet." We were still in the living room, gawking at Five as he spoke. Although I gave up my façade of knowing what was going on, it seemed I knew more then the others but also meant I had more unanswered questions. And then there is the whole debate about my freakishly increasing power that I'm yet to understand how to control. This is all a bit much to handle... "But I do know that he is responsible for the apocalypse. So we have to find him. And we have to do it now."

"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?" Luther asked justifiably.

"I don't know."

"Wait, so you just know his name?" Diego piped up. "That's it?"

"That's enough." Five stated.

"We could... uhh- We could look into him at the library? Yellow Pages?" I was trying to find anything to back him up but I struggled.

"There's probably dozens of Jenkinses in the city!" Diego tried to reason.

"Well, we better start looking, then!" Five retorted.

"I'm sorry. Am I the only one who's... sceptical here?" Allison finally joined in. Five started to look down in pain but it was unnoticed by pretty much everyone. Apart from me. " I mean, how exactly do you know all of this about what's his name?"

"Harold Jenkins. You know those lunatics in the masks who attacked the house?" Five questioned.

"Oh, yeah, I think I remember those guys." Klaus spoke up. We both definitely know 'Those guys' baring in mind they kidnapped us. Klaus didn't look so good either. He had bags under his eyes, looking sick. Must be the withdrawals again... at least he is trying. He sat down on the couch with a sigh.

"Yeah, the ones that attacked us while you were getting drunk." Diego stated, raising his voice. My neck snapped towards Five. I didn't know he was getting drunk whilst we were kidnapped. I scoffed making Five look at me with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

"They were sent by the Temps Commission to stop me from coming back and preventing the end of life on earth." Five continued, tearing his eyes away from me.

"The Temps what?" Allison said with a surprising amount of attitude.

"My former employer. They monitor all of time and space to make sure that whatever is supposed to happen... happens." Five explained. "They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days. So I went to Commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for said lunatics. 'Protect Harold Jenkins.' So he must be responsible for the apocalypse." I nodded at Five, understanding what he meant but we both looked at Diego, Allison and Luther waiting for their response. They just stood there and stared with confused faces looking back at us until they all finally spoke... all at the same time.

"Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?" Allison's voice heard above the rest.

"You know what else is insane?" Five asked rhetorically, annoyance in his voice. "I look like a 13-year-old boy. Klaus talks to the dead and Jupiter, all of a sudden, can use any power she wants!" Everyone suddenly looks at me whilst I give Five a 'Great. Thanks.' scowl. "Everything about us is insane. It always has been."

"He's got a point there." Klaus said, groggily. He was now lying on the couch as he tried to supress his urge.

"We didn't choose this life, we're just living it." Five continued.

"For the next three days, anyway." I said with a sort of mumble.

"But the last time we tried to stop it, we all died." Allison said as she looked up to Luther. "Why is this time any different? Why shouldn't I go home to my daughter?" Allison makes a valid point. If all of this is pointless then she wouldn't be spending her last moments with her daughter which she should.

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