Episode Nine: Changes (Part 1)

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Klaus P.O.V

When we got to the Academy, after racing through the streets, Allison was already with Grace and Pogo, still surrounded in Jupiter's protection energy.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx." Grace spoke quickly as she looked up at us. "One of you will need to give blood."

"I will." All of us piped up. We all wanted to help.

"I'm doing it." Luther said, taking charge as Number One whilst rolling up his sleeves.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy." Pogo intervened. "Your blood is more compatible with mine."

"Hey, don't sweat it." I spoke with as much cheer in my voice as possible to try and cheer everyone up. "I-- I got this, big guy. I--I love needles."

"Master Klaus." Pogo intervened once again as I turned to see what the problem was. "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted." I nodded as I understood what he meant. I looked down, upset that I couldn't help.

"Move." Diego stated simply as he pushed passed me. Shouldn't be anything wrong with Diego's blood.

"Yeah, go on." Luther agreed with Diego's decision.

"I'll do it." Diego stated to the group, but as Grace turned around, needle in hand, Diego took one look and fainted with one last whimper.

"Woah!" I exclaim as he hits the floor past my pathetic attempt at catching him. "No!"

Pogo, however, unaffected by his unconsciousness spoke only two words.

"Stick him."

----------------------------------------------Time Skip-------------------------------------------------------

After leaving Allison in Grace's safe hands, I looked for Jupiter. I noticed how she wasn't with us and it broke my heart. I knew she felt guilty about not being able to help and I wanted to be by her side and support her but she was no where to be found. After heaving a fed up sigh I headed back to my room. I'm so ready to get rid of this endless shit feeling. I feel sick all the time and there is no way to stop it. I'm always freezing if I'm not boiling. My personality has definitely got shittier. I'm weaker. I Can't do this anymore! I want to be numb again. As I rummaged round my room, trying to find my secrete stash, Ben's voice chirped behind me.

"What are you doing?" He questioned my mad rummaging.

"Looking for drugs." No point lying to my brother when he knew the answer anyway. He just sighed.

"Don't do it."

"I'm done listening to you!" My voice growled with anger. So many emotions flowing through me as I gripped my fluffy unicorn toy. "Just go away. Go away, please."

"I like the sober you." Ben stated, trying to convince me. Like that was gonna work. I ripped open the unicorn to find my stash.

"Yeah, well, sobriety is overrated."

"Look where it's gotten you, though."

"Well, where has it gotten me?" I raised my voice at him. "Where has it gotten me? Nowhere! My girlfriend is missing. My best friend. My only friend is dead and I cant talk to him. Allison is close to death. The apocalypse is tomorrow. People... Still don't take me seriously. I wanna be numb again."

"You're a colossal wimp." Ben stated, annoyance clear as day.

"Oh, yeah, really?" I mumbled as my focus went back to drugs.

"yeah, really!" I still didn't pay attention to him. Ben clicked his fingers at me. "Hey! Life isn't supposed to be easy. Life is hard. Bad things happen. Good people die." Typical Ben, Linking everything to the fact he's dead.

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