Episode Five: Number Five (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

As the blue light that surrounded us fades, we fall from the sat position on the bus to the rock hard floor. I was gripping Klaus' arm as tightly as possible, frightened and confused.

"Damn it!" Klaus groaned at the fact we had fallen but I was too distracted as I could hear helicopters and people shouting. As I started to look around I realized we were no longer on the bus but in a tent with a bunch of soldiers. I started hyperventilating, terrified as I didn't know what was happening, I never let go of Klaus. I thought that if I let go of him, he would vanish like the bus. There was a soldier next to us who looked just as confused as us. He was a handsome bloke who seemed quite friendly.

"Hey--" I was cut off of asking him what was happening when a bomb went off near by.

"Incoming!" Someone shouted from outside the tent. Me and Klaus covered our ears at the incredible sound of the bombs exploding. "Go time, ladies! Charlie's on the wire!" The man shouted as he came into the tent. All the soldiers around us got up from their beds and got dressed into their uniforms and grabbed their guns. "You got mud in your ears, boys? Get dressed!"

"No, I'm-- We're not--" I start but soon he cuts me off.

"War's not gonna wait for you to get pretty! Chaz, get these men operational. And get them pants! Let's go!" He shouted over the bombs. We were both handed uniform and we immediately started putting it on. I then remembered that he thought I was a man and was a bout to argue with him but then thought it better to keep that to myself. I hid my hair under my clothes and helmet. "Get them some guns! Don't look at me, get those pants on!" I looked at Klaus, so overwhelmed at what was happening. He looked back at me and I saw a reflection of my own frightened eyes in his. We then left the tent holding hands, not wanting to be apart , Klaus brought the suit case with us. We were packed up into an armoured truck with the rest of the soldiers and we drove away.

-----------------------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------------------------------

Morning after.

"I think it's Vietnam. Looking at the guns and vehicles." I told Klaus, not tearing my eyes from the window. He didn't say anything, he just gripped my hand tighter which made me look at him. He was looking dead ahead with a frightened face. I've never seen him so afraid and it made me terrified. We weren't supposed to be here, we were supposed to be home. The man from before who gave us our clothes came and spoke to us.

"You two just get in country?" He asked.

"Oh, uh... yeah." Klaus snapped back into reality and replied to the man.

"It's crazy out here..." I said, joining in.

"Yeah, shits crazy. I know." He smiled at us.

"Yeah!" Klaus smiled.

"You'll adjust." He said. "I'm Dave." He greeted us with his hand.

"Klaus." Klaus shook his hand.

"Jup-- Jordan." I corrected myself, remembering to keep male as I shook Dave's hand.

"Right." He gave me a look then came up to my ear. "I can shave your hair tomorrow and if you shower late you will be alone." He said with a smile. I looked up and smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you." I said. "So much."

The rest of the Journey we all just talked. Dave is really nice and we learnt a lot about him. He has a wife back in America and he owns a small bakery with her.

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