Episode Three: Extra Ordinary (Part 1)

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Jupiter P.O.V

When I came back from Diego's I was drained and I couldn't find Klaus anywhere, so I decided to get some sleep and look in the morning. As soon as I woke up and go dressed I was looking for Klaus but I couldn't find him anywhere. Luther and Allison seemed to be having a private chat with mom in the kitchen so I didn't want to disturb them. Diego was out so I couldn't ask him which led me to Five. He was in his room sewing up a deadly slice on his arm. After seeing him wince a bit I finally made myself known by knocking on the doorframe I was leaning on. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey Jupiter, I meant to find you. Sorry for ditching you with Klaus yesterday, I know you're angry at him." He said after he looked back down and got back to work on his arm.

"Here let me help." I sat next to him and healed him with my powers. "It's fine. after you left we got into a little argument and I ditched him after but now, after thinking about it a lot, I really wanna just talk with him you, know?" He looked down at where the wound used to be.

"Woah since when could you heal people?" He asked shocked.

"Well, I'd trained a lot while you were gone, finding different ways to use my powers. Turns out I can manipulate anything. Even human tissue. Unfortunately I haven't mastered it on a large scale like controlling a person, but healing cuts I can do." I said, giving him a smile.

"That's so cool! And as for Klaus, I'm sure he wants to talk to you too, to apologise." Five reassured me.

"You don't happen to know where he is do you?" I asked, hoping he knew.

"No. I don't, unfortunately. But if I see him, I will tell him to come find you." He got up and started putting his shirt back on along with the rest of his old uniform. He then puts the mannequin from the side of his room into a sports bag and zips it up casually as if there isn't anything weird about just casually having a mannequin. I sit on his bed, giving him one confused look after another as he opens up the window and climbs out with the bag. "See ya, Jupiter"

"Bye?" I said, extremely confused as to what I just witnessed. Too weirded out to ask what he planned on doing with a mannequin in his bag as he climbed down the fire escape. Huh. Guess it's just creepy old man Five being creepy old man Five. I leave the room trying to wrap my head around what Five could be doing.

------------------------------------------------P.O.V change-------------------------------------------------

Klaus P.O.V

In the dumpster next to the academy whilst Five is still in his room talking to Jupiter.

I have got to find those books from the box. Pogo would kill me and Jupiter. I chucked a couple trash bags out the dumpster searching for the stupid books.

"Found them yet?" Ben asked, sitting on the side.

"Does it look like I have?" I retaliated, annoyed by his stupid question.

"Calm down, brother."

"I can't calm down, Ben! Jupiter hates me!." I said, still rummaging through the dumpster.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?" I asked the air as I looked up annoyed, whilst I carried on puffing my cigarette.

"Can we go see a movie or something?" Ben asked, bored of having to watch me throw trash bags about. "Or the ocean?"

"Shut up!" I said, so fed up with his whining. "I'm trying to find whatever... priceless crap was in the priceless box so that Pogo will get off our asses!"

"I'd ask what your up to, Klaus," Fives voice sprung up from behind me, "but then it occurred to me..." He stopped on the ladder to take a second to look at me. "I don't care."

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