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“Finn don’t leave me!” Rachel cried as she stood in the arms of the man she loved. 

Finn didn’t know what to do. His heart was breaking, he didn’t want to leave her but he had no choice. Money doesn’t come easily and this was his only shot. He loved her more than she could imagine. She was beautiful inside and out, she didn’t give a damn about what anyone said. She looked past everything and looked beyond into his heart. Leaving her was the hardest decision he had to make. 

“This is the only choice I have baby, I don’t want to but I have no other choice.” Finn tried to keep his emotions in tact, but in reality his heart was burning and aching from the pain of knowing he might not see her for a while. 

Rachel sobbed so hard that she couldn’t breathe and her whole body started to cramp up. “Take me with you, I can’t stay here Finn. You’re the only one who keeps me sane. You’re the only one who knows me. I need you Finn.

“You don’t know how much I wish that could be true, but you’re only 15. You’re parents will be furious, I can’t let you go through that.” As much as Finn wished he could change things he knew he couldn’t. 

“I don’t care what my parents say! None of it matters! Nothing matters if I’m not with you Finn! I love you Finn. I love you so much that I can’t think straight. My heart bleeds for you Finn, what am I suppose to do without with you?” Rachel cried and the tears just refused to stop. 

Finn swallowed hard. His throat was sore and it was hard keeping the tears from surfacing, but he had to be strong. He had to be strong for her. “Baby don’t cry, look at me.” 

He took her tiny face into his hands and brought them up to face his. As their eyes met the whole world seemed to stop. It was evident that their love was so strong. 

“You’re going to do just fine. You’re going to go to school and do your damn best and come your graduation day you’re going to be standing up in that podium and you’re going to give your valedictorian speech. 

And even though we won’t see each other as much we’ll write to each other every day. Dream about me baby, you’ll see me in your dreams, and I’ll see you in mine. I’ll be dreaming and thinking about you every second of the day. I need you to be strong for me baby, please be strong, because I need that from you. 

Things don’t look so good right now, but I promise you. The minute you turn 18, I’ll be there at your doorstep. I know it may seem like I’m leaving you, but that could never be possible. I might not be near you but I will always be with you. I’m in your heart and you’re my entire heart. I promise you I’ll always come back for you. I’ll never give up, never. 

I’ve never known someone like you, you give me the strength to go on with life, you have this incredible power of making me want to go on, and just knowing that you’re here and you’re safe, waiting for me. There is nothing else that would be going through my mind than coming back to you. I promise you Rachel I will come back to you.” Finn's tone was firm and promising. 

“Promise?” Rachel said her sobs slowing down a bit. 

“With everything I have.” He said pulling her close and giving her a kiss on her forehead. 

“I’ll be here waiting for you. Every minute of the day, I’ll think about you. I’ll never forget you Finn, I’ll never forget. I’ll never let go, I’ll always love you. Always.” Rachel said into his chest. She was breathing heavy and her heart was beating faster knowing that his flight was close to arriving. 

For the next 10 minutes that’s how the lovers stood in the middle of the crowded airport. They stood embraced in each other’s arms never wanting to let go, and terrified of separating. 

“8:30 flight to Philadelphia International Airport, Pennsylvania now boarding.” 

“NO!” Rachel cried as she held onto Finn for dear life. She knew that the time was approaching, but she couldn’t deal with the reality of it. 

“Baby, I have to go.” Finn said, the tears finally making their appearance. Rachel held onto him sobbing so hard that her whole body shook with her. Finn was torn apart inside; he wished he could take her pain away. 

Quinn decided to finally intervene, her heart went out to the couple, and as she stood in the side watching the couple she could only feel 1/10th of their pain. 

“Rach, it’s ok, I have you.” Quinn said as she tried to pry Rachel away from Finn. 

“Baby please.” Finn pleaded. Rachel cried but knew if she didn’t let go now she would never be able to. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him one last kiss. The kiss was filled with passion and love, and most people had to turn away because they felt they were intruding in an intimate scene. 

When they finally pulled apart Rachel looked into his eyes tears running down her cheeks. 

“Don’t say bye, it’ll hurt too much.” She whispered. Finn nodded and as hard as it was he some how managed to pull apart from her. He placed her into Quinn's arms. With one last nod, he turned away and walked to the gates. He handed his ticket to the plane hostess and before he boarded he took one last look at Rachel. Once the plane took off Rachel fell apart in Quinn's arms. 

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