Chapter 31 : Epilogue part 2

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The buzzing of Rachel's phone woke both her and Finn the next morning.

"Hello?" Rachel answered in a groggily voice. No one answered back and instead it kept vibrating.

"The hell..." She mumbled before looking at the screen and noticed it was her alarm. Her eyes widened.

"OH CRAP!" She said jumping out of the bed. Finn who was rubbing his eyes sat up and watched his fiancé prance around like a maniac.

"Rachel what's wrong?" He asked.

"I completely forgot that I have to hand in the check to the cake maker in like five minutes, and if I don't make it there soon they're going to close." She said as she quickly put on her clothes.

"Can't you just drop by tomorrow?"

"No, I need to go now. I'll call you later." She said as she grabbed her purse before she gave him a quick peck on the lips and ran out the apartment.

Finn sighed and looked over at the letter resting on his computer table.

'Later.' He thought to himself.


Rachel handed the check in on time and then ran home for a quick shower and fresh change of clothes before she went back to Finn's house where she found him still asleep.

She rolled her eyes and snatched the blankets off of him.

"HEY!" He groaned.

"Wake up sleepy head." Rachel said before opening up the shades.

"Oh god." He groaned before placing his head under his pillow.

"Up, up!" Rachel said smacking his butt. Finn grabbed her arm before she got to pull it away and he pulled her down on the bed next to him and starting tickling her.

"Finn!" She yelped through her series of laughs. She managed to punch him the stomach and he pulled away groaning.

"You're lucky I want children other wise you would have gotten a nice sock in the balls." She stated before jumping out of the bed, she grabbed his arms and pulled him towards the edge of the bed.

"Get up and go take a shower, you're starting to smell." She whined.

Finn groaned before getting up out of bed.

"You whine too much." He said before smacking her on the butt before running into the bathroom.

Rachel smiled and started to make the bed. Once she finished she looked over and found a piece of paper on his computer desk. She walked over to it and picked it up.

It was a letter addressed to her and Finn from the institute Jesse was facilitated in.

Just as she was about to open it Finn walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair soaked from the shower. He noticed that Rachel had found the letter.

"What's this?" Rachel asked as she held out the envelope.

"Quinn gave it to me when you were in New York. She said it's from Jesse. I didn't know what to do with it so I thought I'd wait for you."

"What do you want to do with it?" Rachel asked.

"It's up to you Rach."

"I don't know, I mean, Quinn's told me that he's changed but, I'm not sure if I'm just ready to you know." Rachel  stated.

Finn nodded.

"Ok, then we'll wait." Rachel nodded.

"Ok." She said as she placed the letter in a drawer, leaving it for a time she was ready to open it.

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