Chapter 5

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“Ok, wait so let me get this straight, you Miss. I’m too busy for boys, has a date, with a boy from the public school none the less. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” Quinn couldn’t believe her ears when Rachel had called her 10 minutes ago pleading her to come over to help her get ready for what she thought was a date.

“I know, it’s so unlike me, but I don’t know Quinn. When I saw him, he wasn’t like all the boys we go to school with. He’s really cute, but there’s more to him. I can’t explain it, but I felt like if I turned him down, then I would have made a big mistake.” Rachel said rummaging through her closet; trying to find the right outfit.

“How sweet. How old is he?” Quinn said as she too searched on the other side of Rachel's closet.

“15, going on 16.” Quinn ceased her actions and turned around to face Rachel.

“16! Does he know you’re 13?”

“He’s not 16 yet, and yes Quinn, he knows I’m 13.” Rachel rolled her eyes; the age difference wasn’t even that bad.

“Did you tell him you’re last name? It has to be because of that, there could not be any other reason why a 16 year old would want to be with a 13 year old.”

“Quinn, it’s not like that. I would have noticed if he was after my money. Plus we had the attraction even before I mentioned my last name. Plus he too thinks I’m mature for my age, he thinks I’m more mature than girls his age. I don’t know, please just don’t lecture me, and just help me. You know me, and you know I would never do something if I thought something wasn’t right.”

“I know, I know. I’m just trying to look out for you. But I trust you. So what’s his name?” Quinn said as she took out a top to examine it.

“Finn Walker.” Quinn dropped the top and whipped around.

“WHAT!” Rachel turned around when she heard Quinn's tone. She raised her eyebrow.

“What’s wrong?”

“Rachel do you remember me saying something about me having an older half brother out their some where, one that my dad had before me or Jesse was born?”

Rachel nodded her head, but couldn’t understand why Quinn would bring that up.

“I remember something like that vaguely, you change subjects faster than J-LO changes her husbands.”

“Rachel, Finn Walker, that was the name of my half brother. You said you met him at the park right, well Jesse said that when he use to go to the park, before he got beat up, that he knew a Finn Walker that would always play basketball there. You’re smart, put two and two together, your Finn, and my half brother, the same person.”

“Oh. I see.” Rachel pressed her lips together, that could cause a dilemma.


“I already promised him that I’d go, I can’t just stand him up like that. Plus it’s not his fault that he was the result of your father’s affair.” Quinn's eyes widened.


“WHAT! I’m sorry Quinn, I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but it’s true. Why should it be his fault, he couldn’t control it anymore than you and I could.” Rachel said reasonably.

“If your parents find out they’ll blow a fuse.”

“Well then I’ll just hide it from them.” Quinn put her hands on her hips.

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“Well if it even gets serious, I’ll worry about it then, but for now can you just help me choose this damn outfit.” Quinn sighed. She bent down and picked the top she dropped of the floor. It was a white halter top, with gold designs.

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