Chapter 9

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May 21st 2019

“I hate these stupid dinners.” Quinn groaned. Every month they would have to attend a dinner with their families, and their acquaintances. It was hosted by their very own parents.

Hiram Berry, and Carol Hudson, made it their duty to gather all their rich snobby friends every month so they could ramble on about stupid things, like business, and money. It was pointless, and the guests were obnoxious. Quinn and Rachel dreaded it every month.

“I know. I wish I could just be with Finn right now.” Rachel sighed as she took her dress off the hanger.

“You too are nauseating.” Quinn commented. It was true, they were so attached, and so in love, it was quite sickening. Sure she was happy for her brother and best friend, but they seriously needed to cut the PDAs down.

“Oh shut up Quinn. Kurt and Blaine are much worse.” Rachel said in her defense.

“What ever. You know all you couples are nauseating. I feel like an outsider, sometimes I just feel like making out with my hand while around you guys.” Rachel laughed.

“Oh my poor Quinn. You know that would never happen, if you actually would go to with Billy. You two have so much in common, and you know you like him. Stop being a wuss, and just go out with him.” Quinn rolled her eyes.

“Hush, I don’t wanna hear it.”

“Wuss.” Rachel teased.

“I’d rather be a wuss then an attached puppy.” Quinn retorted back.

“I’m not an attached puppy! You’re just jealous.” Rachel defended. Quinn rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, just drop it. Me and Billy might have things in common, and I might have some feelings for him, but he’s just not someone I see myself with.” Quinn explained.

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t know. He’s just different Rachel.”

“Different like he doesn’t have money, different?” Quinn turned around to face her.

“You know that’s not it Rachel.”

“Then what is it Quinn. You said it yourself, you like him, you have a lot in common. What’s the big deal?” Rachel pushed.

“Rachel just drop it, I mean it. It’s not going to happen, not all of us can be like you and Finn, ok. Just forget it.” Rachel looked at Quinn skeptically, there was something she wasn’t saying to her, but she decided to leave it alone, Quinn would come around in her own time.

“Fine.” Rachel said dropping it. The two finished getting ready and headed downstairs to join their family. The gathering was going to be held in the Hudson's party room, but since it was a little early, the Hudson's and Berry's gathered in the living room waiting for the guests to arrive.

“Girls, you’re finally ready.” Hiram said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. The girls decided to ignore him and took a seat on the couch, patiently waiting for the guests to arrive.

Once Jesse saw Rachel walk in the room he couldn’t think; she looked beautiful. She was now 15, and he was 16, and he knew that they should have been together by now. But she wouldn’t budge. He knew that she found him attractive, everyone did, all the girls in school wanted him, and sure they were fun to mess around with, but Rachel was someone he could get serious with. She was beautiful, their families were old friends, and they were both fabulously wealthy, he just wished the Rachel would realize that too.

Once she took a seat down on the couch he took that as his que, and scooted down next to her.

“You look beautiful Rachel.” He told her. Rachel turned her head in his direction, and smiled.

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