Chapter 6

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July 15th 2017

It had been 2 weeks since Finn and Rachel had their first date, and since then there had been exactly 5 more dates. Despite the difference between ages, the two couldn’t seem more perfect for each other. When ever around one another they would feel as if they were floating in the clouds, they made each other happy, and nothing else seemed to matter.

It was now Finn's birthday, and Rachel knew that they hadn’t been together for very long, but she wanted to do something special, without going too over the top. So she went to a mall in Cleveland with Quinn to find a good birthday gift.

“Quinn, Finn doesn’t go golfing, what would he do with golf clubs?” Rachel questioned as Quinn pointed to golf clubs as a suggestion. They were currently in a sporting store and out of all the things Quinn could have picked, she picked golf clubs.

“Well you said he was the sporty type, golf is a sport.” Quinn defended as the two continued to walk and search. They had been at this for almost 2 hours and both girls were getting tired, and frustrated.

“Rachel, we’ve been here since 1, can we please pick something like now?” Quinn whined.

“Quinn, I’m trying to find the perfect gift. I want it to mean something, but at the same time we’ve only been together for 2 weeks, I don’t want it to say oh I’m planning our wedding, and picking out names for our child either.” Rachel sighed, this all seemed so useless.

“I know what you’re trying to say, but it’s like you said you’ve been together for 2 weeks, you don’t even know him that well, how could you possibly get him the perfect gift?” Rachel knew Quinn was right, but in a sense she felt as if she knew Finn her whole life. The two just connected so well, and they had so much in common, from what she knew so far.

“I know, it’s just…wait! I got it!” Rachel said walking off to a direction where her perfect gift lay.

“Rachel, I don’t think that that’s that great of a gift, it’s kind of plain, and I’m sure he has one already…” Quinn called after her.


“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEARR FINN…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!” Rachel, Lauren, Kurt, Blaine, and a couple of other Finn's friends sang, as Finn cut his cake and blew his candles out.

The night was going good, and Finn was having a great time. He had his mother, his best friend, and now he also had a girlfriend. Things were going good in his life.

After eating pizza, and cutting the cake, everyone was just hanging around, eating cake, and having a great time. Finn and Rachel were currently sitting together just laughing and watching everyone around them.

Blaine was teasing Kurt about something, and in return he smacked him. A couple of Finn's guys friends were trying to hit on Kurt's friends that came along with him, but they mostly got shot down quickly, which was always fun to laugh at. Rachel couldn’t even remember a time when her life was as simple, and as fun as this.

Sure she and Quinn would fool around, and when she was with Quinn, things seemed to be as normal as it could be, but never had she been in a room filled with people, and have it seem like she was just a regular teen. It was quite refreshing.

“So what did you wish for?” Rachel asked taking Finn attention away from his party guests. Finn smiled at her.

“If I tell you it wouldn’t be a wish, now would it?”

“Oh, yes it will.”

“Oh and how’s that.”

“Umm…because it just it, don’t question it. So what did you wish for?” Finn laughed.

“I’m not going to tell you.”

“Fine, but I bet I can guess it.” Finn raised his eyebrow.

“Oh really, well I have to see this.” Rachel smirked.

“Ok. Hmm let’s see.” She said as she closed her eyes pretending to read his mind.

“You wished…” She leaned in close to him.

“For…” She leaned a bit closer.

“A…” She was now centimeters away from him.

“Kiss.” She said their lips touching.

“Amazing, you got it correct.” Finn right before he captured her lips with his. They shared a passionate kiss, and if there wasn’t a crowd of people, cooing, and interrupting them, it might have lead into something bigger.

The two spread apart with big smiles on their faces.

“You guys can’t just let a guy live can you?” Finn asked. They all shook their heads no. Blaine came behind Finn and patted him on his back.

“It’s just cuz they’re all jealous that they’re not getting any play.” He said motioning over to the crowd of girls glaring at the boys. Finn laughed.

“Yeah, you’re right.” He said shaking his head.

The party lasted for about another hour, but now everyone was gone except for Rachel.

Finn had opened every one of his presents earlier, but Rachel decided to hold off on giving him hers.

The two were sitting out on the porch, and Rachel had called her driver, so she had about 20 minutes before he arrived, so Rachel found it to be the perfect opportunity to give him her gift.

“Ok, now it’s time for your gift.” Rachel said reaching over behind the chair grabbing a neatly wrapped gift.

“Rachel, you didn’t have to get me anything.” Finn said. Rachel rolled her eyes.

“Please, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t get you a gift?” Rachel widened her eyes.

“I didn’t mean girlfriend, that just came out…”

“I like girlfriend.” Finn interrupted. Rachel smiled in relief.


“Definitely.” Finn said leaning in to give her a quick peck on the lips.

“Ok, good. Now here.” Rachel said handing him the gift. Finn took it an unwrapped it carefully.

“It’s a basketball…” Finn said once it was fully unwrapped. He wasn’t expecting that, after all he already had one. He turned it around and then his eye’s widened.

“WITH MICHAEL JORDAN’S SIGNATURE!” He exclaimed. He couldn’t believe it, on the basketball it had written, To Finn, have a great birthday- Michael Jordan.

Even though there were many more famous basketball players out there he liked, Michael Jordan would always be his favorite.

“I know that Michael Jordan’s your favorite, and plus if it wasn’t for your basketball hitting me on my leg that day, we would have probably never met like we did. So I thought it was perfect.” Rachel explained. Finn smiled.

“It is... its so perfect thank-you so much! But how did you get his signature?”

“Oh well, he was staying at one of my dad’s hotels in Cleveland, some family outing or something, and since I was already there shopping for your gift, I thought his signature would make it just right.”

“Rachel you have no idea how amazing this is. You have no idea how amazing you are! I can’t believe this! Thank-you.” Finn said looking into her eyes. Rachel smiled at him.

“Of course, it was no big deal, I wanted you to have the perfect gift.” She said.

“Just you being here is perfect enough.” He said leaning in to give her a kiss.

At that moment, Finn just knew that things were going to turn out great for the two of them.

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