Chapter 11

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If you guys remember the prologue we've finally gotten to this moment the departure of Finn and Blaine! I hope you guys are ready for all the drama and heartbreak coming your way in the story anyway on to the story!!!

“Finn don’t leave me!” Rachel cried as she stood in Finn's arms. This was the worst day of her life.

From the background, Kurt, Blaine and Quinn watched. Lauren thought it would be best if she didn’t accompany them. It was too hard for her.

Kurt clung onto Blaine, he was heartbroken about the situation, and he wanted nothing more than for Blaine to stay with him.

“Blaine I’m going to miss you so much.” Kurt cried as he wrapped his arms tighter around his neck. Blaine sighed. He didn’t want to leave him but he needed to go. He pulled him tighter against him and kissed him on his forehead.

“I’m going to miss you too baby. So much, I’ll always think about you, I promise.”

Watching the two couples from aside, Quinn felt more like the outsider, sure she had become close knit with the group, but the love the two couples shared was a different love than she held for all of them.

“This is the only choice I have baby, I don’t want to but I have no other choice.” Finn told Rachel as he tried to keep his emotions in tact, but in reality his heart was burning and aching from the pain of knowing he might not see her for a while.

Rachel sobbed so hard that she couldn’t breathe and her whole body started to cramp up. “Take me with you, I can’t stay here Finn. You’re the only one who keeps me sane. You’re the only one who knows me. I need you Finn.”

“You don’t know how much I wish that could be true, but you’re only 15. Your parents will be furious, I can’t let you go through that.” As much as Finn wished he could change things he knew he couldn’t.

Quinn felt her heart breaking for Finn and Rachel. She couldn’t even imagine what Rachel was going through. She was going to miss Finn a whole lot, and she was worried as hell, after all he was her brother, but she didn’t feel as much as Rachel did, no one would ever feel for Finn as much as Rachel did.

“8:30 flight to Philadelphia International Airport, Pennsylvania now boarding.”

“NO!” Rachel cried as she held onto Finn for dear life. Quinn watched and she knew she had to do something immedietley.

Kurt clung onto Blaine, it couldn’t be happening. He pulled him tighter.

“No Blaine.” He cried into his neck. Blaine ran his hand up and down his back soothingly. He didn’t even imagine it to be this hard.

“I love you Kurt, but I have to go.” He said as he reluctantly pulled apart from him. He gave him yet another kiss, but this time it was shorter.

“I’m sorry, I’ll miss you.” He said. He let go quickly, he knew if he didn’t then, he could never have done it at all.

With one last look he walked over to the gate and handed his boarding pass to the attendant.

Kurt cried and wrapped his arms around himself; the pit in his heart stinging. He stood and watched Finn and Rachel bid their goodbyes, it was all too overwhelming.

Quinn was trying to pry the crying Rachel away from Finn, and Finn pleaded with her. Then Rachel gave him one last kiss. It was filled with so much love, so much passion; most people had to turn away because they felt they were intruding in an intimate scene.

When they finally pulled apart Rachel looked into his eyes tears running down her cheeks.

“Don’t say bye, it’ll hurt too much.” She whispered. Finn nodded and as hard as it was he some how managed to pull apart from her. He placed her into Quinn's arms. With one last nod, he turned away and walked to the gates. He handed his ticket to the plane hostess and before he boarded he took one last look at Rachel. Once the plane took off Rachel fell apart in Quinn's arms.

“He’s gone, Quinn, he’s gone.” She cried. Kurt took his que and walked over to the girls.

“How are you holding up Kurt?” Quinn asked, as she held the sobbing Rachel. Kurt shrugged his shoulders. He kneeled down and soothed Rachel as well; thoughts of Blaine swimming around in his head.

“Rachel sweetie, we have to go.” Quinn whispered in her ear as she stroked her hair. Rachel didn’t know what to think. She just watched the man she loved, the man who held her heart; lead into the unknown, to a place where she couldn’t hold him, a place where she couldn’t see him, a place where she could loose him. How was she supposed to go on without him? How was she going to get it together?

When Kurt saw that Quinn couldn’t get through he tried, after all he knew what she was going through.

“Rach, Rachel listen to me.” Kurt said. Rachel turned to look at him, tears streaking down her face.

“You have to get up, and you have to be strong. I know how hard it is, I do. I know because I just lost Blaine, but it’s not what they want for us. We need to be strong for them Rachel. We need to be the part of them that can keep it together for their sakes.

Sulking isn’t something we can afford to do right now. It may seem like the best option, but it isn’t, Finn doesn’t want to see you like this. He loves you, and he only wants you happy. Let him at least get the chance to have what he wants, be happy.” Rachel sighed, she knew Kurt was right.

“How can I be happy with him all the way there Kurt?”

“Just because he’s all the way doesn’t mean he’s not here with you. He’s in your heart, and he’s going to be the voice in your head always pushing you to get better. Plus, you have your letters, I know Finn will write. In time he can call too, you just have to get better, because when he does call and when he does come back, you want to be the strong, independent, amazing girl that he fell in love with.” Rachel smiled weakly.

“Thanks Kurt.” Rachel said leaning into to engulf him into her arms. Quinn watched from the outside hurt. She knew that what she was feeling was selfish, and she knew that Kurt was only trying to help, but she felt that she should have been the one to get through to Rachel. Even though she didn’t know what it was like, she should have tried. But now wasn’t the time for that, so she put her feelings aside.

Rachel got up and straightened herself up. She was still upset, but Kurt was right, she needed to get it together, for Finn's sake.

“You’re right Kurt. It’s still going to be hard, but I’m going to try.” Kurt smiled.

“I know you will.” He took Rachel's hand into his own. Rachel looked behind and reached for Quinn to grab her own hand. Quinn promptly took it, and together they walked out the airport; each one desperately trying to keep from falling apart.

If you haven't checked it out yet my new story someone to love you is out now please check it out I'm really excited for this story it's my first story thats not a story for tv couples and would really appreciate it if you guys would check it out! It's not doing to good right now only like 3 reads but no pressure to read it but I would appreciate it!!!

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