Chapter 4

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July 2nd 2017

Rachel sat down on the park bench and sighed. She had just gotten into an argument with her dad, yet again. Rachel was tired of just sitting around letting everyone do everything for her. She wanted to learn how to do things on her own, she wanted to feel free.

Rachel was only 13 but she was very mature for her age. She also was very intelligent; she was ranked # 1 in her class, and her going to one of the most prestigious private schools in Lima Ohio, it was definitely a big accomplishment.

Rachel lately would read about children in other countries, and the traumas they would have to go through, and the pain they had to feel to just get a taste of food. She found it unfair that these things would just come to her while she didn’t have to work for it all, while all these children suffered to get 1/100th of what she had.

She had asked her dad to donate some of their money to a fund for children starving in South America, and her dad had told her it was a ridiculous prospect. Instead he donated his money to some worthless debutant club, filled with rich people. It just irritated Rachel. Then when she had asked her dad if she could get a job, he laughed so hard that Rachel swore he was going to piss himself. The thought of the heiress to the Berry fortune working was just so unbecoming.

Rachel was just tired of the life she was living, she could remember when she was five, and her grandmother had told her that she was meant for something greater, that when she was older she just knew that Rachel would accomplish many great things. Rachel couldn’t help but disagree; Hirim Berry would make sure to stand in her way.

A ball hitting her feet brought her out of her thoughts. She reached down and picked up the ball.

“Sorry!” A deep voice said. When Rachel looked up to see the face that matched the voice she was entranced. The boy standing in front of her was gorgeous. He had dark brown hair, and his eyes were some what familiar, but they were still beautiful. Rachel was surprised she was even thinking such thoughts, Rachel had never even had a crush before, she was always so occupied in her studies; she felt boys would just distract her from what was really important.

“Oh…Umm, its ok.” Rachel managed to get out. Was she actually stuttering? Rachel never had trouble getting her words out, actually when she wanted to say something, she always would, and usually with force at that.

Finn on the other hand was intrigued. The girl in front of him was unlike any other he had ever seen, and he was in high school. A public one at that, there were all sorts of girls, all pretty in their own way, but this one in front of him, she had something about her. She was of course beautiful, she had these big eyes that you could just get lost in, and she had chocolate locks which he was sure would feel like silk. But it was more than that, it was as if she didn’t care what most people thought about her, sure her clothes seem expensive, but the way she wore them, it was as if they were like a burden to her. He felt a sense of independence from her, and to him that was what was most attractive about her.

“I’m Finn.” Finn said introducing himself. He wasn’t usually really into girls; it was usually about school to him, if he wanted to get far, then he needed to get a scholarship, other wise he knew his mother couldn’t afford further education for him after high school.

“Rachel.” She said shyly. Rachel didn’t know what had gotten into her. Sure she’d seen cute boys before; Quinn's brother Jesse was very cute, and he would always ask her out, but for some reason she would turn him down. But looking at this boy, if he had asked her out, she wasn’t sure if she could say no to him.

“Have I seen you around before? Do you go to McKinley High School?” Finn asked. He couldn’t remember seeing her any where, and he was sure if he had he would remember someone as beautiful as her.

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