Chapter 17

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“Hello?” Lauren was answering her phone, in the middle of packing, when the shrill of the phone brought her out of her thoughts. Her heart raced; as it did every other time the phone rang.

“Mom.” Lauren cried, it was her baby.

“Oh Finn? Is everything ok? Are you alright?” She cried into the phone. It had been so long since she heard his voice.

“I’m fine mom. Mom, is everything ok with Rachel? I’ve sent her a million letters, and it’s been three weeks since her last letter. Is everything ok? I’ve tried calling her cell phone, but she doesn’t pick up.” Lauren closed her eyes at the hint of sadness in her son’s voice.

‘It was for his own good,’ she reminded herself.

“Finn, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but…”

“Tell me what mom.” Lauren closed her eyes. It was too hard breaking his heart.

“Finn, I’ve seen Rachel, and she’s been with Christopher's son a lot lately.” Finn didn’t know what to think, his mom had to be mistaken. Rachel didn’t like Jesse because of him, Rachel had told him that Jesse liked her, but she would never do that to him.

“Mom why are you lying to me?” Finn pleaded. Lauren tried her hardest not to let Finn hear her cry.

“Honey, I’m sorry, I thought she would at least have the decency to write you and let you know for herself.”

“Mom, you’re lying, you have to be. I mean, I mean, they could just be doing something for their families, the Hudson's are close with the Barry's.”

“Finn, I saw them share a kiss.” Lauren lied.

“Mom please stop lying to me.” Finn cried.

“I’m so sorry honey, I really am.” Her heart went out as she heard her baby crying. She knew she was breaking his heart, but it was better now than later.

“Honey, how’s everything going in Pennsylvania?” Finn didn’t speak, he didn’t know what to say. He knew his mom would never lie to him, but how could Rachel have done this.

“Mom, I have to go. It was…it was good hearing your voice.” He said before hanging up. Lauren slammed the phone down and sobbed. She was a terrible mother.


It had been a week since Rachel received the letter from Finn, and it was so hard to get through the day knowing her and Finn were no longer together, but Quinn had been a good support. She didn’t let Rachel out of her sight, and she made sure Rachel had a good time, not thinking about Finn.

The two were currently in Quinn's room, watching stupid movies with Puck.

Rachel sighed as she watched the movie. She was thankful that Quinn hadn’t picked any chick flicks, but it didn’t mean that she didn’t think of Finn. She thought about him every second of the day, and she couldn’t understand why he did it to her.

She knew he loved her, she knew it, but then why did he move on? She asked herself that everyday, and she only came up with one answer.
That Lauren was right, that Finn needed to be with someone more like him, I mean she was pathetic, she couldn’t even introduce him to her parents. She wasn’t good enough for him, he needed someone who could be there for him, without having to worry what her parents would think.

He needed someone who didn’t remind him everyday that he didn’t have that much money. He could relate to Marley more, and maybe Marley did deserve him, plus Rachel was only 15. Finn couldn’t possibly want a young girl when he could have someone older like Marley.

Rachel felt the tears coming to her face, and she tried to hold them off. That’s how it always was lately. She would just cry out of no where, everything and anything reminded her of Finn, and she hated it.

“You ok honey?” Quinn asked looking over at Rachel, who she noticed was looking down at the bowl of popcorn in her lap. Rachel looked up and gave Quinn a weak smile.

“Yeah, I will be.” She said. Quinn grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly, letting her know that she would be there throughout it all.

The two were brought out their moment as the door opened. Jesse walked in and smiled at everyone. He patted Puck on the back and nudged Quinn on the shoulder which in return she glared at him.

“Sorry I’m late guys, coach was being a bitch.” He said taking a seat on Quinn's king size bed right next to Rachel. He smiled up at her.

“Hey Rachel.” She looked up and smiled back. He had been really nice to her lately, he even noticed something was off with her, which was weird since they really never talked. Lately though, she’d been making the effort to talk to him more, he was just so nice, and once she had started talking to him, she found herself enjoying being in his company.

“Hey.” She whispered.

“Popcorn?” She asked gesturing towards the popcorn. He smiled.

“Thanks.” He said reaching over into the bowl, while smoothly brushing his hands against Rachel's. She looked up at him and he winked in return before turning his attention to the movie.

Rachel blushed a bit, she couldn’t deny that Jesse was handsome.

A few hours, and 2 liters of coke later, the four were hyped up and having a good time. They had sat through 3 cheesy movies, and they finally took a break.

Puck and Quinn were currently MIA, leaving Jesse and Rachel alone to talk, and surprisingly it wasn’t awkward for Rachel.

“So how’s Mr. Wursal treating you? He seemed to give me a hard time last year, hated my guts.” Jesse said talking about his English teacher who was out to get him. Rachel laughed.

“He’s not that bad, and I’m sure he only acted like that towards you because you were barley in class.”

“Ah, that has an explanation, and that is that, he didn’t like me, so I decided not to go.” Rachel laughed.

“Weak.” She commented. He smiled.

“Hey I tried.” Rachel laughed. She looked up and looked into his eyes, and her smile faded. She noticed that his eyes were a beautiful shade of crystal blue, very different from Finn.

“You have nice eyes.” Rachel remarked.

“You’re beautiful.” He said back. Rachel blushed.

“Thank-you.” She said sweetly. He smiled at her, and he would have kissed her but he knew it was too soon, it was like Hiram said, wait a while.

Soon Puck and Quinn returned, and they were in for another round of popcorn, soda, and Scream 3.

“Look at his hair I mean, honestly baby do you own a comb?” Quinn, Rachel, and Jesse had been currently teasing Puck on his badly groomed self, and Puck seemed to find it less amusing while having the other three cracking up about him.

Quinn's cell phone rang and Quinn told Puck to pick it up since he was closest to it.

“Hello?” Puck answered.

Finn's heart stopped at the guy’s voice that picked up Quinn's phone. It sounded like Jesse, and when he was about to hang up he heard Rachel's laugh in the background. Finn's heart shattered to pieces, his mother had been right, Rachel was with Jesse, and she was having a great time with him.

Finn quickly hung up the phone his heart not able to handle the truth.

“Who is it?” Quinn asked.

Puck shrugged his shoulders.

“Don’t know they hung up.” Puck said placing the phone back down on the table. Rachel looked at him and she didn’t know why but she had the strangest feeling that it was Finn, but that feeling disappeared and Quinn hit her with a pillow, and a pillow fight had commenced.

As Rachel's laughter rang through the Hudson household, Finn's sobs rang through his room in Pennsylvania.

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