Chapter 2

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January 3rd 2003

"It's a boy!" Christopher said walking out into the waiting room, in hospital scrubs. In the waiting room, waited Christopher's parents, Carol's Parents, and Leroy and Hirim. Carol had gone into labor hours earlier, and once everyone heard they had rushed to the hospital.

When Christopher had announced the good news everyone got up out of their chairs and stood to congratulate him.

"Congrats Chris!" Leroy said patting Christopher on the back.

"How's Carol?" Hiram asked.

"She's fine, she did beautifully. You guys have to see him. He's perfect, he has my dark hair, but Carol's eyes. He's 6 pounds 9 ounces, he's just amazing." Christopher's eye sparkled with happiness and Leroy couldn't help but think that he never saw that tint when his first son was born.

"Well when can we see them?" Hiram asked.

"Right this way." Christopher said leading them over to Carol's room.


It had been 2 weeks since they brought baby Jesse Hudson to the Hudson home, and currently Leroy and Christopher were in Christopher's study chatting.

"So Leroy, when are you and Hiram going to give it a go? I can't explain it, inside that delivery room, I've never seen anything like it in my life before."

"I bet. Actually we haven't told anyone yet, but we actually decided to get a surrogate." Christopher smiled with joy.

"If you have a girl, I'm sure she'd be perfect for Jesse, ey?" Christopher said, the thought of the two men actually being family in more ways than one.

"I doubt I could see my daughter with anyone else than your son." Leroy said not realizing the irony it would be in the future.


"Thanks again Christine!" Lauren said to her neighbor. Christine had 2 children and when Lauren had no one else to baby sit Finn for her while she would be at work, Christine offered to do it for her.

"No problem Lauren, see you tomorrow." Christine said before she closed the door. Lauren walked to her trailer with 2 year old Finn on her hip.

"You have fun baby?" Lauren asked once she let Finn down when they entered their trailer. Finn gave her a toothy grin and toddled away into the mini living room. Lauren grinned at the little boy, he was her entire life, he was the only thing that kept her sane.


February 16th 2004

"It's a beautiful baby girl! She's 6 pounds, 3 ounces. She got my eyes and hair." Leroy beamed proudly as it was his turn to come out of the delivery room in hospital scrubs to announce to his family of his great news. Of course everyone cheered, and raved.

1 year old Jesse sat as he held onto his pregnant mommy's hand as everyone radiated with happiness.

Carol was 6 months pregnant, and her and Hiram was thrilled, they were even more thrilled when they both learned they would be both having girls.

"Well don't keep us waiting! Bring us to them you lucky dog!" Christopher said with glee.

Leroy grinned wider and led his family to the delivery room.


"So, Leroy how does it feel?"

"You were right Chris, there's nothing like it." Christopher smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

"Isn't funny, to think we were here a little over a year ago, about you experiencing this."

"You're right. Also, if I recall, I remember you saying something about me having a girl, that she would be perfect with Jesse. Just looking at her, I couldn't help but think that was true."

"I think it was fate, Leroy. My boy was destined to be with your daughter." The two men smiled in joy.


"Well, we did it Finn. Mommy worked her butt off, and I was finally able to get us out of the trailer parks. It's not that big, but at least it's not a trailer." Lauren said as she looked around her new one story house.

After saving up some money from her two jobs as being a secretary and waitress, she got enough money to start school again. She was now working at a small production company, and she was making a decent salary. Although she still needed to work her part time job as a waitress, she was still ecstatic about getting her own house all by herself.

She looked down at her 3 year old son.

"Well what do you think? We even got our own backyard so that you can play around in. When mommy saves up enough money, I'll get a dog that you can play with." Finn's eyes widened at the mention of a dog.

"I told you baby, I'll get you all that I can. Now come on we have some unpacking to get done."


"So Hiram, how are you feeling?" Carol asked as she and Hiram were sitting around in the living room Hiram holding baby Rachel in his arms, while Jesse toddled around the room.

"I'm fine, but I feel as if I should be asking you this. How are you feeling?"

"Oh just the regular, you know how it is. Just waiting for the day to roll around." Hiram nodded his head in understanding.

"You know I can't help but think that it's a little funny that I had a girl right after you had a boy. Like maybe there was something higher coming into play here?" Hiram said hinting at what he already knew everyone was thinking.

"Oh I just know me and you will be sitting across that isle watching my son and your daughter getting married. I don't know about you Hiriam, but I just know that an Hudson was meant to marry a Berry."

"Trust me, I've known that for a long time." The two smiled, thoughts of a spring wedding between their children invading their minds.

3 months later the Berry's and Hudson's found themselves in the hospital yet again, this time waiting for the arrival of the newest baby Hudson. After many long hours of labor, Quinn Hudson had made her appearance in the world.

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