Chapter 13

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It’s been 2 months since Finn had left, and Rachel is slowly starting to pick things up. It was her sophomore year now, and she was concentrating hard on her studies. It seemed like that was all she had, Quinn was now officially ignoring her, so now she had nothing else to do.

She was currently in her room working on her calculus homework, when she was interrupted with a knock on her door.

“Come in,” She said without looking up from her work. Quinn quietly walked in and shut the door behind her. This was it; she was finally going to tell Rachel the truth. She knew she had been a bad friend, and she knew Rachel thought that she was ignoring her, and she hated the distance more than anything, but she didn’t want Rachel to be even more on missing Finn because Quinn now had Puck.

“Hey.” Quinn said quietly. Rachel looked up at that time and turned around to face Quinn.

“Quinn?” She was shocked, Quinn hadn’t come by in a while, they would only see each other in school, and during family gatherings.

“Can we talk?” Quinn asked sitting down on the bed next to Rachel. Rachel nodded her head and placed her pencil down to keep the page she was on, and then shut her textbook. She pushed it to the side and then looked up giving Quinn her full attention.

Quinn didn’t know here to start, she didn’t know what could explain her actions, she felt so bad, she knew Rachel needed her and she was just being selfish. She broke out in sobs; she didn’t know what else to do.

Rachel stared at her in shock, she didn’t know what was going on, but her best friend instincts came into play and she took Quinn into her arms.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Rachel whispered into her shoulder as she held her close.

“I’m so sorry Rachel, I’ve been a horrible friend. All you ever did was be there for me, and I left you alone when you needed me the most.” She cried.

Rachel sighed, she knew that it was true, but it doesn’t mean that Rachel hated her, they have been best friends since day one, and that would never stop Rachel from being there for her.

“Hey, it’s ok Quinn. Things happen.” Rachel forgave her without questioning her, that’s just what best friends did.

“No, they shouldn’t happen Rachel, you’re my best friend. I was supposed to be there for you.” She was now facing Rachel, and she just felt like a total ass.

“Quinn, I forgive you, its ok. People get sidetracked.”

“Why are you being so easy with this Rachel? Hit me!” She said. Rachel laughed.

“I’m not going to hit you Quinn.”

“Come on, I’m a bad best friend, hit me.” Quinn said pointing at her cheek.

“Quinn, stop it. I’m not going to hit you.” Quinn sighed.

“Ok fine. Now can I explain to you why I’ve been this bad best friend?”

“That would be helpful.”

“It’s stupid and you’re going to hate me.” Quinn admitted. Rachel rolled her eyes.

“Quinn I already forgave you. Now get on with it.”

“Ok, Ok. It’s because I’ve been seeing Puck.”

“Puck?” Rachel's eyes went wide.

“NOAH PUCKERMAN!” Rachel exclaimed before bursting out with laughs.

“Stop laughing!” Quinn cried, but it didn’t help.

“I’m sorry, but I thought I just heard you say you were going out with Noah Puckerman, best friend of your brothers, Noah Puckerman.” Rachel said through laughs. Quinn in return glared at her.

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