Chapter 25

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Finn, Rachel, Kurt and Blaine stayed awake the whole night talking about old times, and making up for lost time. They had finally caught some sleep around 5 am.

Kurt and Blaine had returned to bed, and Finn and Rachel had fell asleep on the couch, and that’s exactly how the two were once Finn's cell phone started ringing.

Finn and Rachel both shifted awake, Rachel grumbling as she did.

“Sorry.” Finn whispered. Rachel smiled. She could get used to waking up to him.

“It’s ok.” She said stretching her arms over her head as Finn answered his phone.


“Finn, it’s me. I’m in Lima.” Finn's heart sped up, he wasn’t ready for this. He could tell by the sound of his mother’s voice that she wasn’t either. She was probably more nervous than him.

“Are you at the airport?”

“No, I just checked in the Inn. I’m in room 310”

“I’ll be there soon.” He once again hung up without bidding her goodbye, which only made Lauren more nervous.

“Your mom?” Rachel asked as she noticed how tense he got. He nodded his head before getting up from the couch.

“She’s at the Inn.” Rachel nodded her head.

“Do you want me to come with you?” She asked.

“I think this is something I have to do by myself. Would you mind driving me though?” He asked.

“Of course.” Rachel said getting up as well. As Finn freshened up in the bathroom Rachel walked towards Kurt's room and saw that he and Blaine were still asleep, so she wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table.

When Finn came out of the bathroom, Rachel went in and as Finn waited thoughts crowded his mind.

He wasn’t ready for the truth, but he knew he needed to know. What Blaine had told him last night it was ringing through him clearly, but he wasn’t sure what to do. If it was true, and his mother had deceived him, he wasn’t sure if he could forgive her. He didn’t even want to consider him his mother, if it was all true. It would hurt too much, his mother was always supposed to be there for him, the one person who he never expected to let him down, and she was the one person who took something big away from him.

He couldn’t think about it any more, it hurt too much, and he just needed to get through this and the sooner he did, the sooner it would all be over.

“You ready?” Rachel asked coming out of the bathroom. Finn nodded his head and the two headed over to the Lima Inn.

Once they arrived Rachel parked in the parking lot. Finn was nervous to get out of the car, he didn’t want to get out because he knew if he did then his relationship with his mother would never be the same again.

“You want me to wait for you?” Rachel asked.

“Would you mind?” Rachel shook her head.

“I would wait for you forever Finn.” Finn smiled, some of his fears drifting away.

Finn opened the door of her car and walked out. He walked in the direction of Lauren’s room, and took in a deep breath before knocking.

She opened the door right away. Finn couldn’t look in her eyes anymore. He looked everywhere but her eyes, and that didn’t go unnoticed by Lauren, whose thoughts were racing around her head a million miles per hour.

She moved aside to let him in and he slowly walked and as she closed the door Finn prepared himself for what was about to come.

She turned around to face him.

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