Chapter 8

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February 16th 2019

Rachel was now 15 years old, and after spending the whole afternoon at her house, as her family and their friends celebrated her birthday, she was finally happy to be in the arms of Finn.

She wished she could have spent the whole day with Finn, but of course that wasn’t possible. Her parents had insisted that they invite all their snotty friends over to celebrate her birthday. The whole time, all Rachel wanted to do was run away to Finn. Especially when Jesse kept insisting that they go to dinner after the party. The boy just couldn’t understand the word no. He was very handsome, and Rachel knew that he had already been with quite a few girls, but there was something drilled inside his head that made him feel as if he had to be with her. It was probably due to the fact that his father always says something about the two of them.

Rachel hated every bit of it. She didn’t hate Jesse himself, he was actually quite nice to her, which is very different from his normal self. But it was the fact that he kept pushing at the two of them being together that irked her, if he wasn’t so adamant about the situation, she knew that they would probably get along real well. But that wasn’t the case, so every chance she had, she avoided him.

“What’s on your mind baby?” Finn asked as he noticed Rachel drifting off. He was upset that they couldn’t spend the day together, but he was just happy to have her with him at that moment. He had made her a little cake, and with Quinn, Blaine, and Kurt present, they all gave Rachel a mini party, but now it was just the two of them, and Finn felt like he was floating on clouds. That’s how he always felt when he was around Rachel.

Rachel was different, she was heaven sent. She wasn’t the type of person you hear about on T.V. the ones who have money and feel like they’re better than anyone else. She doesn’t judge a person, and she never judged Finn once. She looked deeper, and past all that, and she saw into his soul. He thanked god everyday he found her. She was his angel.

“Nothing, just thinking about how happy I am to be here with you.” Rachel said snuggling closer to his chest as she ran her finger up and down Finn's arm.

“I love you, you know that?” Finn asked looking into her eyes. It wasn’t the first time he said it either. They had proclaimed their love for each other almost over a year ago, and every time he heard her say it back, it felt like he was on top of the world.

“And I love you.” Rachel said leaning in to capture his lips. The kiss soon turned more passionate, and they were kissing hungrily, Rachel pinned underneath Finn. The two had never gone to the next level, but they always talked about it. Finn thought that they should wait since he didn’t want Rachel to do anything she regretted, but to Rachel, she couldn’t imagine anything better than to make love to Finn.

Rachel moaned at the contact of Finn's obvious arousal at her center. They pulled back slightly, both breathing heavily, and looking into each other’s eyes.

“Make love to me Finn.” Rachel whispered. Finn looked into her eyes and saw the sincerity.

“Are you sure?” Finn asked. Rachel shook her head without hesitance. She wanted that more than anything. Finn reached over to his night stand and pulled out a condom from the top drawer and placed it aside, for when the time came to it.

Rachel reached down and pulled his shirt over his head. She ran her hand up and down his chest and Finn shivered at her touch. She always drove him crazy with one touch. He leaned down to capture her in another kiss. The kiss grew so intense that they soon found each other unclothed, and the tip of Finn's penis at her center.

Rachel looked into his eyes, so before he could ask her if she was sure once more, she could give him her answer.

Finn slowly inched his way inside her. It was his first time, along with hers, and he just hoped to make it all perfect. The feel of her was amazing, and Finn was having a hard time just knowing that it was happening. He dreamed about it so many times, and he couldn’t believe it was finally happening.

Once he reached her barrier, Finn was sure that it was going to hurt, and he hated putting her through any pain.

“It’s going to hurt.” Finn whispered through heavy breaths. Rachel just nodded her head and braced herself for it. Finn gently pushed through her barrier and Rachel closed her eyes trying to take in the pain.

“I’m sorry.” Finn said kissing her tear away. He took her lips to his and Rachel soon forgot about the pain as they kissed. When Rachel moved her hips, it signaled to Finn, and soon he was thrusting in a slow sensual pace. Rachel's moans drove him crazy, and Rachel couldn’t believe the pleasure she was feeling.

“Rachel, I don’t think I can last any longer.” Finn said once he felt everything build up.

“Me too.” Rachel said feeling her own orgasm before. Though she had never had sex, she knew what it felt like to get one, for Finn brought her to one in different ways before. Finn picked up the pace, and soon they were both in ecstasy. Exhausted Finn slowly pulled away from her and rolled over onto his back. Quickly he gathered her into his arms and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“I love you Rachel Berry.” He whispered into her ear.

“And I love you Finn Walker.” She said back before drifting off into sleep. Everything had been perfect, just like she imagined.


May 21st 2019

It had been 3 months since Finn and Rachel had lost their virginities to each other, and if it was said that they couldn’t even get any closer than they already were, they were wrong, because it brought them even closer. The two had become one, and there was nothing between them, and it was magical.

But Finn's graduation was approaching fast, and college was becoming an issue. As hard as his mother worked, Finn knew that she couldn’t afford one, and even if he had gotten a scholarship, like he did to most schools he had gotten accepted into, she still couldn’t afford it. Even with Finn's part time job at the garage.

Finn knew he had only one option, and he wished that it wasn’t his option, but he knew he needed to. He needed to peruse his education. He wanted to make his mother proud, and he wanted to make Rachel proud. As hard as it would be, he had no other choice. So he signed up. Now all that was left to do was tell everyone.


“Mom I have to talk to you for a minute.” Finn said coming into the dining area where his mom was. She was currently sitting down at the table, going over some bills. Lauren looked up and saw her son impatiently waiting. He had grown up so fast in the past years. He had become so handsome, and he extraordinarily smart. She couldn’t have been more proud. But she couldn’t have felt more like a failure for she couldn’t even afford for her baby to go to the schools that he so was meant to be in.

“What’s up baby?” Lauren said taking off her glasses and placing them down on the table next to her scattered bills. She gestured for Finn to take a seat across from her which he did. He looked nervous, and that only made Lauren feel more nervous.

“I’ve come up with what I want to do after high school.” He stated. Lauren nodded her head.

“What do you want to do?”

“Join the army.” Lauren sighed. She was hoping he wouldn’t say that. She knew that he had been considering it, but that wasn’t the thing she wanted for him.

“Are you sure honey? I mean if you want to go to college, I promise we’ll figure out a way.” Finn shook his head.

“Mom, I already went over everything, and it’s not possible right now, not if you want to continue living here. I’ve made up my mind mom. This is what I need to do.” Lauren sighed. She didn’t want to loose her baby boy.

“What about Rachel?”

“I’ll talk to her about it, but my decision isn’t going to change mom. I already enrolled, I’m scheduled to Pennsylvania, July 12th.”

“Oh honey, but there’s so much going on. Trump sent in his troops in Iraq over 2 months ago, what if they send you? I can’t risk it.” Lauren pleaded.

“Mom, I’ve grown up. This is my decision, I know the outcomes of it, and I’ve accepted them. There’s no other way. You have to stop worrying, please.”

“You’re my son Finn. I could never stop worrying.” Lauren said as the tears rolled down her eyes. She was desperately scared of loosing her baby.

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